This is the hype & BS train, all over again. Just like last time with GTA4. All the trailers back then made the Grphx look amazing for console's (but were all rendered on a PC with a dev kit). But then when you actually did play it on the PS3/xbox360 the game looked mediocre.
This is the hype & BS train, all over again. Just like last time with GTA4. All the trailers back then made the Grphx look amazing for console's (but were all rendered on a PC with a dev kit). But then when you actually did play it on the PS3/xbox360 the game looked mediocre.
Rockstar claims to have listened in-depth to the on-line community? Then how come there's no PC version? The multi-player mod of GTA: San Andreas is absolutely huge; it still attracts a huge user base long after the official development stopped. Despite limited resources (and a game that was never designed for multiple CPU cores let alone multi-player modes), the online element of GTA SA is the driving force behind a lot of revenue. It would be an insult therefore to rule out a PC version. The community deserves a PC version.
it's just business. Company has to build games on console platform to make money. PC version is more or less gimmick. You have to sink time and money to make pc title (or convert console version to pc one), and if their investment don't simply return projected profit, they decide not to make it. it doesn't matter whether pc version is the most beautiful thing in the world. if it doesn't sell, they are not gonna make it. (or at least delay it long enough to get profits from console version)
Wow, I am so impressed with what I've seen of this game so far. Up until now, I had thought we had seen the best of what we could see with this gen of consoles, but this looks like it will prove me wrong. Can't wait for September, and I can't wait for my mind to be blown by GTA 6 when it comes on next-gen!
Well... looks good, but Just cause 2 looked better in many aspects and its a far older game.
After the GTA 4 fiasco ill reserve my judgment untill after its been out for a month or 2, and we will see how it goes from there.
If its not on PC, then im guessing i wont be giving rockstar my money.
R* always release GTA on console well before PC - why the surprised whining?
I just hope it's much better than IV, which was awful compared to SA. Please bring a decent voice cast (SA's must have been expensive, but was so much better than IV) and spend time on the radio (track list on IV was crap). Hopefully that it is back to CA, we'll lose the monotony of landscape that was IV.
OK guys, we get it; It's not on PC. Why? Probably because driving sucks ass on PC, something that is a major part of this game. If you're not going to buy this game because it's only console, that's your loss, but please for the love of Allah, shut the f**k up already!