Rogers iPhone Plans Source of Outcry

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This is a simple case of supply and demand. If you are a Canadian who is tired of high cell phone prices even if you are not in the market for an iPhone make your voice heard. Sign ever petition you come across! Let Ted Rogers know that he had a chance to be a "visionary" and offer cell phone plans that would be ahead of the curve so that everyone could enjoy today's technology the way it was meant to be used...without restrictions inside of a reasonable price point.

So why can't AT&T come to Canada?...As long as they don't rip us off like Rogers and bell
[citation][nom]WineO[/nom]So why can't AT&T come to Canada?...As long as they don't rip us off like Rogers and bell[/citation]
The Canadian government restricts the foreign ownership of the wireless industry. I'm sure if it were possible, T-Mobile would have bid for Microcell (Fido) rather than Rogers.

Oh well, at least the recent wireless spectrum auction made provisions for new entrants. As it stands, Canada is a harsh place to be a cell phone addict.
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