[citation][nom]hillarymakesmecry[/nom]Sell your stock in Palm now. Their current market has dried up and their first forray into the cell phone business is doomed for failure. I predict a bankruptcy within 2 years, perhaps less.[/citation]
You realize this is not the first cell from Palm. Ever hear of a Treo? They've been doing cells for years. The first Palm Treo was out in 2002, and they're still around. They may die with competition from Samsung, Apple, etc, but not because their first cell failed. And honestly, this is the most competitive device they've had yet.
[citation][nom]odoketa[/nom]The price of the phone is a red herring. 2 years times $70 / month (the lowest price for voice and data on both ATT and Sprint) is $1680.[/citation]
Not true. I have Sprint with a Palm Treo 755p, 450 nationwide minutes, unlimited nights/weekends at 7:00PM, unlimited data plan, all for $60/month. Not a large difference, but considering I could have gone with 200 minutes for $50, I can safely say that $70 is not the cheapest plan, even with a data plan.