What do you do when you buy a gaming laptop at nearly 4 000$ can and:
1. It froze every time you play a game
2. You send it for repairs 3 times in a year
3. They loose your ram in one of the RMA/ then sends some back with one defect module
4. Your not in possession of the device for more then 4 months in a one year period
5. Your warranty ends on the last RMA and your receive this by email by the technical department:
Hi Kevin, the computer does not have any hardware problem. It runs Windows
XP and other program fine including the 3D benchmark 2005. The only issue is
the handling 3D intensive game such as the SWAT4. When you play those games,
please make sure the room temperature is at 70 Deg F or lower. Also, you
need to clean up the heat sink once a month at least. We will not change the
unit since changing unit does not make any difference.
Allen Zhang
Sager tech support
-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Byrne-Langlois [mailto:kblanglois@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 9:09 AM
To: TechSupport@SagerNotebook.com
Subject: RE: 5116414 7620 (Thread:78312)
I'm a bit puzzled about your answer. I am a IT security specialist, with 5
years in computer tech support level 1 and of course a client. It took
nearly a year and 3 RMA's to find the problem, I AM QUITE THANK FULL THAT
YOU HAVE FOUND THE ISSUE, atleast it does prove i wasn't dumm and was right
to put put pressure on Sager. Now do you change the unit? What happens
Kevin Byrne Langlois
>From: "Sager Tech Supports" <TechSupport@SagerNotebook.com>
>Subject: RE: 5116414 7620 (Thread:78312)
>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:46:37 -0700
>Hi Kevin, we have been testing the computer for over a month. We did not
>find any hardware problem on this computer. The only problem is the
>pulsation while playing 3D intensive games. We have swapped all the
>hardware. But the pulsation still occurs. However, when the computer is in
>an air conditioned room, the pulsation is reduced to almost not noticeable.
>The room temperature is around 70 deg F. We moved the computer back to our
>assemble line where the temperature is around 86 deg F or above, the
>pulsation is very noticeable. We have tested the computer in the two
>locations many times. The results remain the same. Our conclusion is that
>the computer is temperature sensitive in terms of playing 3D intensive
>games. We played the BF2 and the SWAT4. The computer can run BF2 without
>much difficulties. But the computer does have difficulties to run the SWAT4
>in non-air conditioned room.
>Allen Zhang
>Sager tech support
I’m desperate!!!!!!