That's a good bit of money for a 6950 that **may** be changeable to a 6970
Guru3D uses the following games in their test suite, COD-MW, Bad Company 2, Dirt 2, Far Cry 2, Metro 2033, Dawn of Discovery, Crysis Warhead. Total fps (summing fps in each game @ 1920 x 1200) for the various options in parenthesis (single card / SL or CF) are tabulated below along with their cost in dollars per frame single card - CF or SLI:
$ 210.00 6950 (479/751) $ 0.44 - $ 0.56
$ 260.00 6950 Frozr OC (484/759) $ 0.54 - $ 0.69
$ 205.00 560 Ti (455/792) $ 0.45 - $ 0.52
$ 360.00 6970 (526/825) $ 0.68 - $ 0.87
$ 205.00 560 Ti - 900 Mhz (495/862) $ 0.41 - $ 0.48
$ 320.00 570 (524/873) $ 0.61 - $ 0.73
If it works its a tossup, but if ya thinking of pairing them up in the future, the 570 or even 560 is by far the better option whether it unlocks or not. But Im speaking at 1920 x 1200 .... if ya at 2560 x 1600, the 69xx is the way to go.