Samsung Galaxy Gear Glasses Coming (Report)

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Sep 16, 2010
Doing just fine with copying so far and has finely honed the skill of copying. Lets not forget Samsung is a manufacturing power house so can basically build anything it sees. Too bad its such a scumbag company that I refuse to buy anything from.


Mar 21, 2012
I wonder if this will work well with glasses. Also the battery doesn't seem to be great by looking at it's slimness of the frame from the sketch...


Oct 27, 2011
Good lord, you guys need to do a spell check before you throw articles up. It doesn't matter if you beat another site to the punch if it's full of silly errors.


Mar 7, 2013
I really dont get why more companies want to go in the glass market its not good enough yet to have any use of it.

The smart watches i understand a bit even when they are over priced like hell they still have some use.

I myself own the samsung galaxy gear and i only got it because i got it for free when i buyd my samsung note 3, and i have come to use it everyday.

I still think it needs more apps and updates but i really like that i can read text messanges and all that on it so i can fast check if its something important or not so i dont have to take out my phone all the time. and the step counter on it is pretty nice too.

the bettery is maybe on the lower side but it lasts easy 3 days and i have no problems to put it to charge under the night. i think in the near future the smart watched will have really nice and usefull things but for the glasses i dont think it will be any good or anything for atlast 5+ years.


Aug 28, 2007
The smart glasses technology is only the beginning of what will be a revolutionary change in how we deal with advanced information and data dissemination in the future. Heads-up Displays, or HUDs have been in use by several country's military forces for well over a decade now. So, the technology itself has already been proven and is only now being expanded into the civilian market at a larger scale and with a different purpose - data collection (reviewing documents, emails, web surfing, etc), social networking (Facebook, chat tools, Sharepoint, etc), and navigation are just some basic applications that come to mind. The bottom line is that a technology shouldn't be put to pasture just because it is ahead of it's time. I'm actually surprised Google has taken so long to release their Google glasses to market. That product should have been out two years ago. They key to any new tech is to get it tested and out on the market before the competition has caught up. Google has failed this basic principle and Samsung has taken full advantage. Their smart glasses will not only be far superior to Google Glass, it will be much cheaper. I will tell you all now to invest in Samsung stock now! They build solid quality products and are on par or superior to the competition's equivalent products, but yet are less expensive. This is the key to becoming successful. They are taking off like a rocket in the tech market. Next stop, beating VR Oculus to market with their own VR headset... One can dream, right?
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