Samsung Galaxy S3 won't turn on!


Jul 5, 2016
My phone battery was drained and I didn't notice that till the phone is turning off, I quickly get the charge and put it in the phone before it turned off, the screen became white with a colored lines in it, I disconnect the charger but the screen still the same, so I remove the battery and put it again and try to connect the phone with the charger, but nothing happen either the gray battery icon isn't appearing.
Can you help me please!!
It usually takes some kind of jarring (banged, sat on, dropped, etc.) to cause that to happen to a phone. I am referring to the white screen and colored lines and subsequently the screen not working at all. It sounds like either your displays cable has come loose, or the display needs replacing.

If the phone is under warranty, then I would contact either your service provider or the manufacturer to see about having the screen repaired or replaced. If it isn't still under warranty they you can either open it up on your own (there are many instructional videos on how to do so online) and check if the cable is loose. If it isn't then you would need to order a new display and replace it. Or you can try a local tech or repair place to see...
It usually takes some kind of jarring (banged, sat on, dropped, etc.) to cause that to happen to a phone. I am referring to the white screen and colored lines and subsequently the screen not working at all. It sounds like either your displays cable has come loose, or the display needs replacing.

If the phone is under warranty, then I would contact either your service provider or the manufacturer to see about having the screen repaired or replaced. If it isn't still under warranty they you can either open it up on your own (there are many instructional videos on how to do so online) and check if the cable is loose. If it isn't then you would need to order a new display and replace it. Or you can try a local tech or repair place to see what they would charge to replace it.