Samsung Galaxy S4 - " Sim card not detected - reboot "

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Jan 22, 2013
Has anyone else had an issue with their Galaxy S4 constantly coming up as the sim card not being detected and having to reboot?

My phone started doing it on the very odd occasion, but now it seems to do it 12+ times a day, sometimes 4 or 5 times in a row on a bad day. Sim card isn't loose. Works fine after a reboot (most of the time, sometimes keeps having to reboot).

Seems to happen more often since I upgraded to KitKat, but might be irrelevant. Google doesn't seem to help besides sending it off for repair which I'm pretty close to doing. Has anyone found any solutions besides?

Thats the only thing that worked for me here!
And believe me i've tried everything!
After my Note 4 bit the dust recently after a software update i went back to my old s4 which i kept as a backup. The only reason why I "upgraded" from the s4 was because of this very same sim card not recognized issue.

The solution for me was very simple. I took out the memory card and voila! no more rebooting and no more sim not recognized issue.

Before you try anything else, simply take out your memory card, and use your phone without a memory card installed!
Hi !
I just replaced motherboard of my S4 GT-I9505 because it was completely dead. It works fine, but only with some SIM cards. I tested two SIM cards - unluckily the one that worked was of my friend, mine does not work at all. I tried the trick with foam placed first on SIM card holder, then in the place where the connector is located - didn't work. I wonder does it really matter in my case , because it works with some cards, with other not. I also tried placing two sheets of standard printer paper between SIM card and SIM card holder, but it didn't help. Can you help me with this please?
This solution is for the Galaxy S4 recurring error: "SIM card removed. Unable to detect your SIM card. Your device will restart to check your SIM card.

I read every "solution" on the Internet, including this discussion board, and tried many of them, including playing with Bluetooth, putting pressure on the SIM card, replacing the SIM, factory reset, clearing the caches, changing radio frequencies, etc etc etc. blah blah blah.

The problem is Lollipop - there is a flaw - an incompatibility with the S4. Here is THE SOLUTION. Downgrade from Lollipop to KitKat 4.4.2 and your Galaxy S4 will be back to "normal."

Download Odin3 version 3.12.3 and search on the Internet for this exact tar.md5 file:


Follow the instructions here:

You may have to reset the phone and rerun Odin several times. My 6th attempt worked perfectly. With KitKat 4.4.2, the "SIM card removed........" error has gone for good.

Neil Farquharson, Dallas, TX, November 2, 2016
Still having this problem on the Galaxy S4 in November 2016 .. wow ..

So far I've replaced the whole SIM/SD apparatus. It slowed down the issue, but, it didn't stop it. Which is leading me to believe it's multiple things.
It only disconnects in my pocket. Then started disconnecting randomly (less often) not in my pocket and "just sitting there" like was previously mentioned. This usually means that there is some kind of motherboard or computer chip "warping" (bending back and forth) creating this, or, a faulty or dirty connection(s).

Seems like the problem started when I stayed on Android 6.0.xx whatever .. I can't tell if it is a time related issue or because I'm on 6.0. I've heard both.
I have an extended battery and one of those "extended bump" back plates for mine. On Cyanogenmod 13 and this isssue was driving me nuts. Couldn't even use my TMobile barely.
There is more space in between the back plate and the inside of the device so I put a Skullcandy "medium" size earbud earpiece right over the plastic strip between the SD and SIM cards without unscrewing anything, with the hole of the earbud silicone earpiece facing straight up then snapped the back plate back on.

Seems to be working so far. Time will tell I guess. It read right away after I put the earbuds piece in. But that's the dumb thing about these intermittent problems. It's hard to tell without taking a day or FIVE to test it ..

My best advice? To just try everything people suggest until it fixes it. Unless it might damage the device. Some of these suggestions (like what I did lol) could make it even worse over a longer period of time. But then again, the fix that worked explains again why it was warping and disconnected in the first place now didn't it .. .. ..

thank you!! It worked!!!
I believe you are on the right track with this issue. the intermittent cause of sim card not being detected is cause by the carriers signal, it is not a hardware issue. Most hardware issues are not intermittent like this issue is.
Tried new Sim and removed SD card. Replaced the sim/SD reader module in my galaxy s4. Still failed after a few days. Then reset OS while preventing automatic restore from Google account. Reinstalled all apps manually. Phone is as good as new after the first week.
I noticed that the problem is software, not hardware .I tried it with rubber behind cover after a few days I removed .now same problem and the memory card and it seems to work .I come back in a month with details.
Can anyone confirm this solution by Neil Farquharson please ?

Excause me, but I completely don't understand your english. Could you explain this more clearly? Or even better - could you explain step by step what is required to have version 4.2.2 working ?
I had this problem several times a day.. What I did notice was that it would show apps update notifications every time I received the Sim card error. Saw this in the notification tab at the top of the screen..
The problem was fixed when I disabled auto updates and update notifications in playstore. I haven't seen the error since. FIXED

All GREAT.. After week 1

All GREAT.. After week 2

Wonderful.. After week 3
I consider it FIXED
I purchased this phone 2nd hand as the user explained that it was on Three network. i tryed everything Service menu but was booting up with the same issue you guys had "No Sim Card Detected" Eventually after applying some slight pressure on the back of the SIM that it picked up my new SIM card (so assuming my phone wasn't locked Dang).. Eventually as suggested above i have put 1 peice of paper just above the Sim(inside the holder) Stuck some Electricians tape over the top and bang its working. My Problem is how long will it last ??
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