Samsung Smart TV UN50ES6100F - not able to connect to my wireless network now.


Oct 24, 2016
Seems there is lots of trouble with this based on other threads I've read. I haven't changed anything in my home network, but my TV cannot connect anymore - this is about 10 days in. We've had the TV since '12 with no issues like this. Sometimes it sees the router (that screen may be visible for 1 sec or so), but other times it cannot even get that far. I've tried the hard factory reset, also reset the smart hub. I've updated the firmware via a USB. I've unplugged the whole thing a number of times. I read about giving a new DNS address, but it won't stay on that screen long enough to let me. Help!
Update... I was able to change the DNS address, took 12-15 times in and out of that screen each time because it kept kicking me out. didn't work. didn't work, didn't work. Oddly enough, all the numbers (with exception of the MAC address have been 0 in this screen) - telling me it's not seeing the network, then I'll get all the numbers, for just an instance, then back to zero.
Any thoughts????


Oct 24, 2016
The MAC address is the only line that has NOT seen zero. It's the other lines in there; IP address, subnet mask, gateway and DNS server. Those are zero. I've been able to get a entered and there have been split second times where I actually connect- numbers fill in. Then they all go to zero again and I'm kicked out
I've seen this, you attempt to manually enter these things and the device doesn't like it, something is amiss, but thanks to vendor's adept programing effort (sarcasm) it doesn't give you an error message, it just simply rejects it, come back blank, that's their a***nite way of telling you, "don't like, try again."

But I wouldn't even go there, to me DHCP MUST WORK or something else is wrong with your network.


Oct 24, 2016
Nothing has changed with the network. Thats the goofy part. We haven't added/taken away anything! We thought Comcast was to blame at first (and they still may be) with not enough bandwidth for my area. I've got the dual router hardwired to my Imac. TV is about 20' away. As I said, for a couple years it's been just fine. This morning, I checked if I could get 'numbers' and I did! So I'm trying to launch the smart tv... it's been a few minutes of the spinning ball with no connection. I"m hopeful something is updating ???

UPDATE... so no change. She spun for a couple minutes then just went away. I looked up to see if my 'numbers' were still in place and no, they all had become zero's again. ahh.


Dec 17, 2016



Dec 17, 2016
This 60 year old lady found the answer to connecting the Samsung Smart TV to wifi just as I was about to give up all hope. I knew it had something to do with the new dual router/modem I recently started using with my wireless high speed internet. After reading numerous online forums and trying the suggestions and failing the same as everyone else I hit on the solution. I clicked menu on the Samsung remote, then network, then start, then wireless, then next, then a page will appear with a number of wireless router names and you are told to select yours (you should write this down in advance along with your router's alpha numeric key both of which can be found on your router) you select yours, hit next, then you have to fill in the aforementioned alphanumeric key hit next (or finish I can't remember) and you have your network connection!!! I'm telling you this from memory so you might have to use some common sense, but this is how to do it. You are welcome. Please share!


Jan 31, 2017

It's not a router issue, its the tv. I have had the same problem 5 times. One just now,the tv wouldn't connect to Netflix. I reset it in the menu the the tv auto updated it self then it used the last know wifi and worked straight away. The problem is the internal wifi receiver it crashes randomly. Has nothing to do with your home router. Ps experienced the exact same problem as you. Not connected to the internet asked to setup typed yes finds wifi nodes for 1 seconds then crashes/removes you from the menu,half the time it finds nothing even tho it usually picks up about 8. Samsung issue,update needs a wifi mod or fix!


Dec 5, 2017
Go to your router settings on your computer. Login, locate WPS wizard. In the wizard select pin number for set up method. Go to TV network settings. Select preferred network, 5G is recommended. Select WPS for set up. The TV will give you a PIN number, write this pin number down. Go back to your computer for your router login area and put the pin number in the provided text box. Go back to the TV and select go. This should be all you'll need to do. to MsPearl; I am a 66-year-old woman