Samsung's Original Galaxy Tab 10.1 Now Banned in USA

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[citation][nom]math1337[/nom]It took them so long to ban the tab 10.1 that the Samsung galaxy tab 2 is already out.[/citation]

Exactly. What a complete waste of time. Nobody is purchasing the Tab 10.1. For less money you get the Tab 2 10.1 running ICS. I personally am waiting on the Note Tab to come out. I love the phone.

i think digital picture frame manufacturers should sue apple for copying their design, the ipad looks exactly like their frames and can display pictures the same way, it is a complete rip off they have a right to sue apple if apple did not license their tech from them.
[citation][nom]icepick314[/nom]I don't get "design" patent...if "fashion" can't be patented, why is "design" patentable?please correct me if I'm wrong....[/citation]
Apple invented Tipp-Ex didn't it? Correct me if i'm wrong
Typical vitrol I expected to see here.

I for one applaud this ruling since companies shouldn't get a free ride for their design. Design did not matter for a long time, but as we've found out in the 21st Century, product design often means a lot more than anything else.

This is the exactly reason why there are intellectual properties, and if a company think they can blatantly rip off a competitor (like Galaxy/iPhone 3GS) then they really need to be taken down a notch.

Now, for those that will surely fire back with "Well, Apple copied this, that, etc..." please tell me if there were the likes of iMac before it arrived on the scene. As much as I hate to admit it myself, Apple is a design leader and has been for at least the last 10 years.
Apple plans to sell a TV..... I wonder how many patents they will blatantly violate from the start, then claim ownership of and sue over later.... Samsung holds numerous patents in that market and if their legal team has any sense, they'll refuse to license Apple to use any of them (which is their right).
[citation][nom]sykozis[/nom]Samsung holds numerous patents in that market and if their legal team has any sense, they'll refuse to license Apple to use any of them (which is their right).[/citation]
Nope. Unlike lol-patents on rectangular corners, serious patents that become standards are subject to FRAND terms. You can't refuse to sell and you can't ask for unusual price either.
Wait til the Apple lawyers find the lost Steve Jobs patent of the combination of wearing a turtleneck with jeans. They'll be singing happy days are hear again ... for years to come.
It's banned now? Oh god do I want one now. Everything that has ever been banned is trendy and cool. The kids will be smuggling these things across the border now. Brilliant sales strategy by Samsung.


I'm posting this from a Galaxy Tab 10.1 and I can in no way see how it is close enough to an ianything to warrant a ban. Some judge probably just has his head up his back side.
[citation][nom]eddieroolz[/nom]Typical vitrol I expected to see here.I for one applaud this ruling since companies shouldn't get a free ride for their design. Design did not matter for a long time, but as we've found out in the 21st Century, product design often means a lot more than anything else.This is the exactly reason why there are intellectual properties, and if a company think they can blatantly rip off a competitor (like Galaxy/iPhone 3GS) then they really need to be taken down a notch.Now, for those that will surely fire back with "Well, Apple copied this, that, etc..." please tell me if there were the likes of iMac before it arrived on the scene. As much as I hate to admit it myself, Apple is a design leader and has been for at least the last 10 years.[/citation]

Apple recently received a design patent for "the wedge," aside from how ridiculous this is, there is prior art to invalidate it.
Sorry for all you Androids but maybe you should Google or better yet look up "patent" on Wikipedia (read the first 3 paragraphs.) Google, a search engine that diversified by stealing other intellectual property, is kind of like that guy in China who sells you the fake Rolex. You both know it is a fake but as long as it works, you don't care and the street vendor makes a buck.
The judges are not stupid. Patent law gives the owner 20 years the exclusive right to market a novel product. Android based phones and tablets are just rip-offs of Apples concepts using Linux as its underpinning. Of course iOS, OS X and Linux itself are based on AT&T's Unix but since it was created in 1969 its patent is long since expired.
I bet you Androids wouldn't like it much if China stating selling $10 dollar version of the Galaxy S III? Or how about the masters of piracy, the Russians selling an exact copy of Windows 8 for $15 months before it went on sale in the U.S. Have you heard of Baidu, the top Chinese search engine that Robin Li invented and whose concept for a search engine was stolen by the founders of Google, Page and Brin. BTW, Baidu is now making there own version of Android and Chrome in a country will 1.3 billion people which is neighbored by India with another billion people. Gee, isn't a world without patent enforcement fun?
I guess Samsung used the same slave labor... only infringement I can think of.
Nurse Chapel held a table in the 70's Star Trek... Gene Rodenberry's estate should sue Apple.
I wonder how much Apple stock District Judge Lucy Koh owns?
[citation][nom]Compuservant[/nom]Sorry for all you Androids but maybe you should Google or better yet look up "patent" on Wikipedia (read the first 3 paragraphs.) Google, a search engine that diversified by stealing other intellectual property, is kind of like that guy in China who sells you the fake Rolex. You both know it is a fake but as long as it works, you don't care and the street vendor makes a buck.The judges are not stupid. Patent law gives the owner 20 years the exclusive right to market a novel product. Android based phones and tablets are just rip-offs of Apples concepts using Linux as its underpinning. Of course iOS, OS X and Linux itself are based on AT&T's Unix but since it was created in 1969 its patent is long since expired.I bet you Androids wouldn't like it much if China stating selling $10 dollar version of the Galaxy S III? Or how about the masters of piracy, the Russians selling an exact copy of Windows 8 for $15 months before it went on sale in the U.S. Have you heard of Baidu, the top Chinese search engine that Robin Li invented and whose concept for a search engine was stolen by the founders of Google, Page and Brin. BTW, Baidu is now making there own version of Android and Chrome in a country will 1.3 billion people which is neighbored by India with another billion people. Gee, isn't a world without patent enforcement fun?[/citation]

Google have created a great alternative product with useful things like widgets that Apples IOS product doesn't have. Apple copy Android features in updates too. If it was not for stiff competition from Android, IOS would not be as good as it is today. The only people that should be annoyed at Google are Apple investors and stupid people who would rather see a profit driven company succeed more than benefiting themselves.

"Good artists copy; great artists steal"
does anyone remember when apple got caught modifying pictures of the tab 10.1 for german courts?
i would figure if they really had a case it would show but they had to tamper with "evidence" and show the world that samsung did nothing wrong and apple is scared of actual competition. get with the facts sheeple, your beloved company got caught lying in court and lost their injunction. guess they figured if you have the money, use it to get what you want.
Oh cm'on mr Parrish, Apple has to deposit 2.6% of $100 million bond that is to be used for demages in case that Samsung wins this case.
[citation][nom]Compuservant[/nom]Sorry for all you Androids but maybe you should Google or better yet look up "patent" on Wikipedia (read the first 3 paragraphs.) Google, a search engine that diversified by stealing other intellectual property, is kind of like that guy in China who sells you the fake Rolex. You both know it is a fake but as long as it works, you don't care and the street vendor makes a buck.The judges are not stupid. Patent law gives the owner 20 years the exclusive right to market a novel product. Android based phones and tablets are just rip-offs of Apples concepts using Linux as its underpinning. Of course iOS, OS X and Linux itself are based on AT&T's Unix but since it was created in 1969 its patent is long since expired.I bet you Androids wouldn't like it much if China stating selling $10 dollar version of the Galaxy S III? Or how about the masters of piracy, the Russians selling an exact copy of Windows 8 for $15 months before it went on sale in the U.S. Have you heard of Baidu, the top Chinese search engine that Robin Li invented and whose concept for a search engine was stolen by the founders of Google, Page and Brin. BTW, Baidu is now making there own version of Android and Chrome in a country will 1.3 billion people which is neighbored by India with another billion people. Gee, isn't a world without patent enforcement fun?[/citation]
Unix patents and copyrights are still valid, you arguments have no substance beside oozing hate toward Android.
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