Screaming Teenage Girls are Faster Than a Segway

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people want no why they chasin. its all about sex these days. this kids rich go figure . what are they realy after besides being fans. there fans of hes $ and looks. and they say men are visual.
Lewis57 i was just pointing out facts. that sex is love these days and with out $ theres no sex. ya im sure you know this already. im just biter over these facts and i hate how are western woman are like this these days. its not only youth its older people . example my mom was is 65 and . and sex is love to her. 🙁 ill be single for rest of my life. tell i leave us.
When there is a hoard of Screaming Teenage Girls (STG), it is officially time to GTFO!

Also, being gay myself, I wish Bieber would just go away. I date guys because I want to date GUYS, not guys who look like girls.
For someone, like myself, who have lived through many of these over-hyped, propped up, teenie-magazine drones..I have a message to you all....

Don't worry, this too shall pass.
The really sad thing is, all those girls have nothing better to do with thier lives apart from hanging around arena venue carparks stalking so called celebrities. Quite disturbing really and proves how shallow and meaningless the people of this world are becoming.
seriously...the best comments so far have been the L4D comparisons...WHERE did those girls all come from??? lol.
Also, I want to know what's going on in their heads. What makes you act like a zombie/monkey combo?
Scaaarryyy stuff...

Anyway, thumbs up on the reference to Gob from Arrested Development. Such a great show.
Oh baby baby oh. Oh baby baby oh oh oh. Oh baby baby oh yeah baby oh. baby baby yeah oh oh oh. Oh baby oh baby baby.

= $millions

Brilliant lyrics. How does he manage to write them?
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