Secure voice app needed, not require everyone else use

Jan 10, 2019
I am looking for a secure voice app that allows me to call and receive from anyone. I don't need "end to end" encryption. Mainly concerned about local eavesdropping. It seems all the security apps require the other party to install it as well.
Lol, first I kinda have to ask...what are you talking about you are so worried about others hearing, any why would you trust that manner of talk to ANY online or cell conversation?

In regards to online security, I used TOR for a while and it attracted some severely unwarranted and unwanted attention, for me. IDK if a program like that actually works for something like "internet voice". I am not sure there is a way to communicate as a standard citizen that someone/somewhere isn't listening and logging.
I am a medical malpractice victim talking to lawyers. I have been repeatedly contacted in public places by very nosy, charismatic, manipulative private investigators seeking information about my legal plans. One proved to me they are capable of listening to my phone calls. They are likely very interested in getting the meta-data on who I called. I need to answer my phone in real time. I can't require a secret agent spy meeting with everyone I try to contact.
Well that would be the easiest solution. But it seems that if anyone is using a Stingray type SDR to periodically read my SIM card metadata, it seems that if they found a new phone in the vicinity they would get that one too.

There are so many secure phone apps and companies, it seems there would be one that did encrypted VOIP from my phone to their server, and then unencrypted POTS to the remote party. After spending an hour sifting through several websites, which are mostly uninformative marketing wank, and trying to determine how their system worked and if it met my requirements, I was hoping to find someone who is already familiar with what is out there. I don't want anyone to do my research for me, but posted just in case there was someone who already knew.
Some posts were deleted, by me, not at anyones request. Keep it civil, the Op has given more than enough information, and doesn't need a lecture on their personal situation. Nothing being discussed here is illegal for a person to do with their own conversations. If you don't have a constructive answer, let it go.