Shipping Alienware laptops to UK from US?


Nov 29, 2016
Hey there everyone,

I have been looking to get a new laptop for school, as my old mac is nearly 5 years old. I was looking at the new Alienware 13 R3, as that looks much better value than the old Alienware laptops, but the only thing is, I had a look at the US website and the laptops are nearly 350 pounds cheaper, and my budget can't stretch much over 1,000-1,200 pounds.
I would love to game at school during my free time, unfortunately having a mac I can not do this. The reason I think the Alienware 13 would be the best option for me is the superb build quality, good keyboard, and good GPU. Yes, it has a sub-par battery life for the size and it is quite heavy, but honestly those things don't matter too much for me, and the battery can't be as bad as my old MacBook air. I don't want to get a 15-inch laptop, they're too big for me, and the Alienware 13 is the only 13 inch laptop that I have found with a powerful GPU.

Getting to the point, is there any way I can ship an Alienware from the US site to England? This would be much preferable compared to using the UK website, as that is just absurdly expensive compared to the US website.

Thank you for helping me.

Please don't give me any of that rubbish about building my own PC, if I were to do that, I would need at least 5 PCs, as my parents are divorced, and have two houses each, dad has one in London closer to work and one closer to my school, mum has one close to my school and one in Belgium (I go there for holidays). To add on to that, I go to a boarding school, so I can't just come home every day to use the 5 PCs I would build. I hope you understand my situation - I need portable power.
Things aren't simple for me (;

Go to this web page, locate 'Click to Chat' at the top of the page and ask them.

Going by base price, the Alienware 13 starts at $1,200 or £960. On the British site the base price is £1,249, which is a £290 difference. A noticeable difference, certainly, but not quite the £350 you suggested above.

I would be very surprised if Dell allowed you to 'undercut' their British affiliate. I know that Lenovo doesn't.

No, I'm talking about the second tier US model, with the better screen, 256gb storage and 16gb ram. If you configured the laptop to that on the UK website, it adds up to about 1875 dollars, compared to 1450 dollars in the US. This is about 425 dollars saved, or in other words 340 pounds. I was 10 pounds off (;

Sorry, I was quite vague xD

I believe sale tax is not been included with US prices, plus you would be importing into the UK so you would need to factor in import VAT as well.
You could ship to a middleman in the US who will ship to the UK but generally, that may cost more than buying from the UK site.

That's OK, I didn't try to customize the laptops, and that's usually where the fun begins. I will maintain that it is highly unlikely that Dell will allow this.