Should I get Adobe Premiere Elements 14 or CyberLink PowerDirector 14 Ultimate or other


Jul 6, 2015

I been trying to find a new Video Editor the past few months and I think i have it down to two different software. I want something Under $100 and that is an one time fee.

I tried most out there but wasn't 100% sold on them. The only editor i used in the past is iMovie but have used trials on sony, adobe, corel, lightworks, and i few others.

But i can't seem to pick which one i should get. I will be using a rx480 and i5 4460 until i can upgrade, and i will be adding another 16gb or ram soon. So i should be able to use any software under $100.

I would like to buy it this week. So any help with this topic and i will be very grateful.
cyberlink power director is just bad program. I had a free trial (free but with limitation) but I hated it. It's not a proper video editing program at all.
Sony MovieStudio
Magix Movie Edit Pro (using right now. happy)
cyberlink power director is just bad program. I had a free trial (free but with limitation) but I hated it. It's not a proper video editing program at all.
Sony MovieStudio
Magix Movie Edit Pro (using right now. happy)

Sweet! I am going to try Magix Movie Edit Pro Plus right now! I tried Sony Movie Studio but i didn't like it as much as the adobe elements.

there is free trial available. I like it because it was easy to use

I been using the trial for a few days and I like it a lot! It doesn't eat up my CPU as much as Adobe does. Only thing I don't like about Magix is that there is no pause. I can only play and stop (when i stop it goes back to the beginning). Other than that, i like Magix a lot!

Thank you very much!

File > Settings > Programs > Playback tab. Checkmark on Spacebar pauses video

Thank you so much for the help! I am sold!