Question Smartwach with stopwatch feature?

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Feb 19, 2020
I am looking for a smart/sport/activity watch, which has ability to stopwatch during already started activity, so running, walking, cycling, fitness, gym training. I checked
some polars, sigmas, garmins, tomtoms, and non of them has that feature, stopwatch is available but, you can't use it during activity. You can only plan some intervals, brakes and whole training. But I only want to have access to simple stopwatch during activities, to measure breaks between series on the gym, to measure time during hike between trail signs in the mountains, which usually have distance and walk time information. Same goes for running, I don't want setting up all the training, and change it, resume it, cancel it if something goes different. Just want start activity, measure all things using simple stopwatch, and then finish activity. It would be great if watch has heart sensor, or Bluetooth connection to chest strap.
GPS is secondary feature for me. Is there any watch that has that feature? My budget is about 200$.
Of course I did. I am actualy working out like that, phone app(polar beat) with chest strap, and simple 5 dollar stopwatch on my hand. But it's kinda annoying on the gym, or during the walk. You always have to get out the phone out of pocket, to check your heart beat, or speed. It would be much simpler with a smartwatch having all.
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