I'm looking to buy a Sony Vaio Z series laptop. These 2 look good though I don't know what the difference is between the 2, yet one is 100 dollars more expensive..
Two more questions, are there any other laptops that match this one in specs, but have a larger screen? Or maybe similar specs, but less expensive. I want a laptop that can handle anything I throw at it, games, programming, movies, schoolwork, etc...
My sister has a sony vaio and in the past 2 years it has fried twice and she's had to go through big ordeals to get it fixed.. Does this one have a reputation of getting broken? or are there other good laptops like this?
Thank you


Two more questions, are there any other laptops that match this one in specs, but have a larger screen? Or maybe similar specs, but less expensive. I want a laptop that can handle anything I throw at it, games, programming, movies, schoolwork, etc...
My sister has a sony vaio and in the past 2 years it has fried twice and she's had to go through big ordeals to get it fixed.. Does this one have a reputation of getting broken? or are there other good laptops like this?
Thank you