I'm having a hard time figuring out my problem here... Hoping someone can help. I have my speakers hooked up to the back of the pc directly into the sound card. My headphones are plugged into the front of my computer. Even with my headphones plugged in, the audio is only coming out of my speakers. I've tried switching the slider on the sound blaster software to headphones but that does nothing. I've also verified that the correct playback devices are enabled. Please also note that this started happening out of no where. I was always able to just move the slider to speakers and back to headphones and it would actually switch but suddenly it's not allowing me to play out of my headphones. I've tried plugging my headphones direcftly into the back of the sound card in place of the speakers and then I can hear it come out of the headphones so I know the headphones are fine. It's only when I plug it into the front that it doesn't seem to work. Please help. Please note that I've tried contacting Creative with no luck. I've also tried posting to their forum but they don't allow new users to post...