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Dick Pierce wrote:
> "Ethan Winer" <ethanw at ethanwiner dot com> wrote in message news:<>...
> > George,
> >
> > > how the frequency reponse changes with changing SPL <
> >
> > Theoretically, the frequency response of a loudspeaker will not change at
> > all with SPL. Whether it actually does in practice is a different matter,
> > but it's hard for me to see why it would change much if at all.
> Oh, please. This issue has been EXCEEDINGLY well documented and
> and that documentation is readily available to anyone making a
> modest effort to find it, Mr. Winer. Consider, for example:
> Gander, M., "Dynamic Linearity and Power Compression in
> Moving-Coil Loudspeakers," J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol 34,
> no 9, 1986 Sept.
> You don't have to wade far into this article, because by the third
> page, he compares normalized frequency response curves of the same
> speaker measured at 1 watt and 100 watt, which show significant
> response differences exceeding, at some frequencies, 5 dB.
> Consider, as well:
> Henricksen, C. "Heat Transfer Mechanisms in Loudspeakers:
> Analysis, Measurement and Design,"J. Audio Eng. Soc.,
> vol 35, no 10, 1987 Oct.
> Showing similar results.
> And, in ANY reasonably comprehensive model of speakers accounting
> for even first order non-linearities, theoretically, there are
> PLENTY of reasons why the frequency response of a loudspeaker
> WILL change with power level. Indeed, there is not even a
> linear correspondance between input power and output SPL.
> Here are just SOME of the reasons why this is true:
> 1. Since the DC resistance of the voice coils are temperature-
> dependent, and the voice coil temperature is input-power
> dependent, and since the bulk of the power dissipation in
> speakers is in the DC resistance of the voice coil,
> the bulk efficiency of the system changes.
> 2. And since the DC resistance of the voice coil is temperature-
> dependent, and the voice coil temperature is input-power
> dependent, and since the bulk of the power dissipation in
> speakers is in the DC resistance of the voice coil, and since
> over most of the range of a driver, the electrical impedance
> is dominated by the DC resistance, the load presented to the
> crossover changes and thus the crossover transfer function
> changes and thus the frequency response of the system changes.
> 3. And, for all those same reasons, the effective damping of
> the drivers at resonance, dominated by the DC resistance of
> the voice coil, changes. And since the system response at the
> low end is quite dependent upon damping, the response at the
> low end changes as well.
> 4. The suspension compliance is a non-linear function of excursion,
> excursion is a complex function of frequency and power, and thus
> the suspension compleiance is a non-linear function of frequency
> and power. And since the system response is determined, to some
> extent, by suspension compliance, there is a dependence on power
> and SPL due to suspension non-linearities.
> 5. The Bl factor is also a non-linear function of excursion, and
> as mentioned, excursion is a complex function of frequency and
> power, and since efficiency and damping are BOTH dependent upon
> the Bl factor, the response of the speaker is dependent upon
> power for that reason as well.
> > Far more difficult is to measure a speaker's frequency response in the first
> > place. As soon as you put any loudspeaker in any room, the room will totally
> > dominate the response.
> How is this at all relevant? The poster asked about the SPL
> dependence of frequency response, which is NOT affected by the
> room. Is it because to someone whose only tool is a hammer, all
> problems look like nails?
Thanks for the references and discussion. I had searched google for about an hour and found nothing very
George Deliz