Question spelling errors app


Aug 20, 2016
does anyone happen to know if there is an extension for the pc that will auto correct some words that you just never can get correct the first time.

no matter how hard i try i almost never get teh taht ahve therea re theya re and some other words correct. i have spell check and it finds they words but unless i do a one finger for some of them i almost always get them wrong. i even tried spelling the word as i type it and still my brain get it wrong. it must be some internal stuck memory movement that i just can't seem to relearn.

i have been real careful on this question but if i just typed you would see the words that repeat incorrectly all day long but if there was a log file that i could put the words that i alway miss spell and that would just auto correct them as i typed that would be great. my guess is there is not an app or chrome extension but i have to ask
thanks i did use grammarly one time it did not seem to be much better than chrome is. i guess i will just have to keep trying to retrain my brain. i did this 50 years ago in typing class that must have been how i got the wires crossed. thanks
thanks. i have tried lots now i use chrome's spell check and that works good. and yes it finds them but what would be great is to have something that i can enter the word and when i misspell it the app just corrects it. Grammarly will not do that. if id does i never discovered that feature.
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