Spray bug spray near the laptop

Mar 15, 2018
Yesterday, I did a very stupid thing.
I just spray bug spray under the laptop table.
Although my laptop is on the table, will the bug spray get into my laptop vent and stick it inside my laptop van.
If the laptop was off when you used the bug spray. Then no need to worry.

If the laptop was on when you used the bug spray, then you should be fine because most of the spray should stick to the carpet and wall, the table should block most of the spray that did not stick.
Here is the distance between the laptop and the spray area:
Is my laptop safe from the spray or it still inhale some of the spray??
I spend a lot of money of this laptop, just want to take care of it......


If the laptop was off when you used the bug spray. Then no need to worry.

If the laptop was on when you used the bug spray, then you should be fine because most of the spray should stick to the carpet and wall, the table should block most of the spray that did not stick.