They should incorporate some piezoelectric generators into the steps like I've seen recently, then make them charge a capacitor that would power the LED's for a few seconds. Then it would be self sufficient.
You won't be saving much electricity. There has to be a sensor that finds out where you are and it has to be on all the time. That will consume electricity.
There is a cool factor, but it's not savings on power.
Tritium would probobly make a better safty marker as it wouldn't need a power source, but its not a bright as LED and can't be turned off, but as a safty marker its still viable.
definitely solves the problem of having to switch on a light to go down stairs in the middle of the night, some red ones would probably look cool and be a bit easier on the eyes at night too.
I hate the artificial-looking light that white LEDs give off. If they made this with red LEDs (which don't ruin your night vision nearly as much) and pointed them directly down, then this would be very very nice.
Ummm.. The stairs dont freakin light up at all. All I see is motion senor leds that someone installed in the stairwell. it rould be cool if the "stairs" light up when you walk on them however motion sensor may not work but a pressure sensor would.