stuck at diagnosing after the screen says prepairing automatic repair. help please what should i do

your windows MBR is broken now. you have to ask a friend to create a Windows 10 installer for you into a USB drive (at least 8GB). and do this repair below.

if this doesnt fix this, remove your drive. ask a friend to connect your drive to his SATA. or if he has a SATA to USB adapter to recover your files as an external disk. just simply copy what you can in your drive. then put it back into your computer. use your windows USB installer to boot to do a clean install of windows.

or if you have a spare or buy a new drive as your new windows drive. and you can connect your old drive to your pc as a secondary to do your file recovery there.
Question from denise_baboi : "stuck at diagnosing your PC after the screen says prepairing automatic repair. help please what should i do "

your windows MBR is broken now. you have to ask a friend to create a Windows 10 installer for you into a USB drive (at least 8GB). and do this repair below.

if this doesnt fix this, remove your drive. ask a friend to connect your drive to his SATA. or if he has a SATA to USB adapter to recover your files as an external disk. just simply copy what you can in your drive. then put it back into your computer. use your windows USB installer to boot to do a clean install of windows.

or if you have a spare or buy a new drive as your new windows drive. and you can connect your old drive to your pc as a secondary to do your file recovery there.