Question Sudden odd issue with streaming video

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Jul 31, 2022
We have Firestick 4K hooked up to several TVs to use Netflix, HBO, Disney+, and some of those other movie apps if you know what I mean.

We've been running them for years with zero issues, including IPTV during NFL season.

I thought our internet was acting up because of an issue that appeared about 3 weeks ago. I did all the usual, Cleared Caches, restart devices, hard reboot on devices, etc... Then I switched out our router (Verizon Fios 1 gig), issue still remained.

So the issue is very strange and I'm hoping someone can lead me to a solution.
some preview thumbnails will not load on Firestick home screen
A couple of Apps like Disney+ and HBO Max will not load(but Netflix works fine)
SmartTube Apk(no ads) will not load preview thumbnails or videos(but regular YouTube works fine)
My other Movie.TV apks will not load thumbnails or any streams
When I was using WiFi calling on my cell, I kept dropping calls

So we thought it might be a Fire device issue, maybe due to an update but....
My son and my wife both noticed around the same time that the same not loading Thumbnails and videos issues was happening on their Twitter app on their phone while using wi-fi. My son also noticed that a couple other apps like DoorDash wouldn't load either.
Other than that internet functions as it should. Our Download and Upload speeds are fine. We can browse websites on our laptops fine. I even just bought tickets on a popular Ticketmaster on sale the other day without issue. My wife and son both work from home remotely, and neither of them have had any daily issues regarding their access for work.

A little more info, when we connect the Fire Devices to our unlimited mobile data via hot spot on our phone, all Firestick and video apps work as they should without issue.

It seems to be some kind of issue with video or thumbnail media and our internet, does anyone have any idea of what the issue could be.
Ys, I know about the other apps, that is why I didn't name any, but as I said the issue is the same with the other apps I mentioned and the Twitter issues via wifi on phones.

no VPN.
I did actually consider that as well, but I more or less ruled it out when everything works fine on Laptops and desktops.

Right now I'm using ISP DNS since I hooked up the replacement modem/router. On the old one when I first started noticing issues I was using google DNS.
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