System weak for Adobe After Effects?


Oct 31, 2015
I have an i7 6800k, 16gb of Corsair RAM, GTX 1070, 250GB SSD, and 1TB Hard Drive. When I look at performance, I don't see any of them really maxing out except for possibly RAM. What can I do to speed up my render times? It takes about 35 minutes to render a 4 minute video I made.
Do you have any video editing software? If yes, have you tried putting together the clip in it instead of After Effects? If you are using AE for the animations you could try creating the animations in AE, rendering the animations and them importing that clip into your video editor.
What format is the source file in and in what format are you trying to render the file out as? Have you checked the settings to see how much RAM is allocated by the program? Don't believe there are settings in AfterEffects for the CPU or GPU (except whether of you are able to use CUDA). So to Preferences and then Memory. There you will be able to allocate more RAM to AE.
Have you tried rendering to formats other than .AVI just to see if it makes a difference in rendering time? I take it the pictures, animation and audio were added to the timeline individually and were not part of a single video clip. Is that correct?
Do you have any video editing software? If yes, have you tried putting together the clip in it instead of After Effects? If you are using AE for the animations you could try creating the animations in AE, rendering the animations and them importing that clip into your video editor.
I understand. Not sure what to tell you to shorten the render time. You might want to look into a video editor at some point. Editing video is much easier in an editor than it would be in After Effects. Since you know how to use AE you really shouldn't have a problem learning to use a video editing application. I'm not suggesting you recreate your video. Have you checked Preferences to see how much memory is allocated to AE?
Kind of rules out the amount of RAM as an issue. Are you running any other programs while rendering from AE? Never mind, I think you answered that in your first post when you mentioned performance. It is entirely possible that it just takes that long to render with the animations. If you know anyone else who uses AE you could copy the project folder and try it on another computer.