Its ok killerclic is just a douche who has no clue about diabetes or he wouldn't post such non sense.
I am glad of this technology my wife who is a type 1 diabetic (which means she had no choice in the matter unlike the millions of 300 + pounders who turn themselves into type 2 diabetics by choice) and is now on the pump. Currently she has to take her blood sugar between 6 to 10 times a day, and even then it still gets low or high sometimes and can cause her to die.
If she no longer had to check her blood sugar that often than her fingers could stop getting sore. Or she would not have to worry about forgetting any more.
Awesome discovery, even if it most likely will not help my wife as these types of systems take years of testing and most likely be too late for her. Still its good for the younger diabetics out there.