Solved! Tecnomaster 40 inch LED TV black screen

Nov 30, 2021
I have a Tecnomaster 40 inch LED TV model# LED4002A5W with black screen, but working audio. How can I tell if the LEDs are bad or if the driver needs replacement? Do you carry an LED repair kit for this TV? Is the LED driver board integrated into the power board? If so, do you carry this board?
This is not a store, it's a tech forum, you can't buy parts from here. It is very unlikely anyone carries specific repair kits for your TV, mostly only the TV vendor keeps parts for warranty fixes and they are not sold outside of authorized repair sites. For a lower end 40" TV, it would be cheaper and simpler to replace it with a used working model then buy parts to try to fix it.
This is not a store, it's a tech forum, you can't buy parts from here. It is very unlikely anyone carries specific repair kits for your TV, mostly only the TV vendor keeps parts for warranty fixes and they are not sold outside of authorized repair sites. For a lower end 40" TV, it would be cheaper and simpler to replace it with a used working model then buy parts to try to fix it.