Telling quote from Comcast's CEO

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On Wed, 23 Mar 2005 00:35:07 -0000, (Chris Adams)

>Once upon a time, Sean <none> said:
>>You can if you have a friggin thousand dollars to piss away for
>>something that will not handle the new sattelites DTV is putting up
>Since I'm in (IIRC) the 86th sized market, those new satellites won't be
>carrying anything I can get for a long time to come. The DirecTV HD DVR
>can be had for a good bit less than $1000 as well. With Comcast, I'd
>have to spend at least $20-25 more per month to equal my current DirecTV
>service; I can buy the DirecTV HD DVR and come out ahead by the time it
>needs replacing to get new channels (and I am pretty confident that
>DirecTV will offer some type of trade-in or incentive on the upgrade).
>Also, given some of the weird problems local people are seeing with
>cable-based HD DVRs, I sure wouldn't spend a dime on one of them.

So why haven't you bought one yet?

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Once upon a time, Sean <none> said:
>So why haven't you bought one yet?

Because until very recently, the amount of HD programming that I was
interested in didn't make it worth my while to switch from my current
stand-alone TiVo. Now I am considering it (although now I'm used to
TivoToGo and the other Home Media Features). There's trade-offs in any
switch, and I haven't decided if HD recording is worth the effort yet.

I can probably sell my current (upgraded with lifetime service) TiVo on
eBay for around $350-400 (as well as my DirecTV receivers for another
$150 or so). Dropping a receiver (dual tuners would remove the need for
two for me) would mean my monthly bill wouldn't change by adding the
TiVo service.

I keep informed about things I'm interested in, but that doesn't mean
I'm ready to buy today (I know about which cars I'm going to look at in
a couple of year, and I checked on computer parts for about 6 months
before I got around to upgrading my computer).

I've checked the prices for the local cable companies (Comcast and
Knology) and Dish, and DirecTV is still the best value for what I watch
(I had Comcast a couple of years ago and I have family with Knology, and
I'd pay more for DirecTV before switch to either of the cable companies
based on quality and outage time). If/when I get an HD DVR, it'll be a
DirecTV DVR with TiVo (unless/until someone brings out something better
at a significantly better price).
Chris Adams <>
Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services
I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.