The best Windows 10 antivirus software in 2021

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Or you can save a lot of money by simply using Windows Defender you got for free with Windows and just get some password manager. Maybe VPN, if you are using public networks and really want to ensure you don't give them any i formation. Though most websites themselves should use HTTPS by now, so traffic is already encrypted, buy it is more for hiding everything else.

Plus on actual independent tests, Defender is pretty much very close to the top. So I see no reason for most to buy antivirus software anymore. Though excluding mention of Defender or any free options, like they don't exist, makes this article feel so much like either sponsored or just affiliate link cash grab and neither of those have your best interest in mind. They are all about getting that money. Just saying to keep that in mind.
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Do any of these products do the early start like Defender, or the Defender firewall? Windows starts Defender early in the boot process, and starts the firewall before starting the network. How long does it take to get hacked before your firewall starts? Just saying.
I have read this article and it is terrible and also not accurate.

I've been in the IT industry 20 years and I've used a great deal of anti-virus programs and I've always come back to one ESET. It's got many features, some clearly this website author does not either know how to use or does not know how to turn on, or is only using a very basic version only that says anti-virus only. I find articles like this misleading to the public and in many instances could be construed as dishonest. I've watch this sire for a while now and this seems to be a regular issue. If professionals are writing these then there is a serious problem, if they writers/authors are not, they need to do more serious research first.
If you have been in the IT industry for twenty years, then you need to do your homework on Windows Defender. When configured correctly, Windows Defender is the VERY BEST antivirus for Windows 10. I have yet to see it tested correctly !! Most testing is done with the default settings left unchanged, and Widows Defender MUST be reconfigured with the Group Policy Editor of Windows 10 for the best test results! With the proper understanding of how Widows Defender works, and when it is configured correctly, Windows Defender is the VERY BEST ANTIVIRUS/FIREWALL that can be run on Windows 10, BAR NONE !!! But a website like this, will NEVER make Widows Defender #1, because they depend on the commissions from the sales of the paid Programs! I hate Microsoft, so it pains me to say what I have just said about Windows Defender, but it is 100% TRUE !! When Windows Defender is configured properly, there is NO NEED to ever buy or download a third party ANTIVIRUS/FIREWALL ever again, PERIOD !!
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