The iPhone’s keyboard is terrible — and it needs to be fixed now

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On my iPhone 14 Pro running iOS 16.2, I don't have any of those problems. It nails all the contractions (I'll, I'm, I've, etc.). It's not sluggish. When I start typing the word "problems," the predictive text engine offers "problem" and "problems," never "problem's." When I misspelled "before" as "ebfore," the phone reliably offered up "before."

I think there's something wrong with your software.
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Interesting… I tried every one of you problem entries for contractions and everyone The first suggested replacement was the expected contraction. I can say autocorrect use to be abysmal, but I’d say it has improved dramatically.

I can’t talk to keyboards on Android phones, so not sure about the delay vs. other products.
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Having recently switched too, I completely agree. The phone isn't bad but you're right, keyboards on iOS are terrible. I am using Gboard but it's not the same as it is on Android. And I HATE it switches at times and doesn't let you change the keyboard. I can deal with Chrome being safari skinned or sometimes having it default to safari regardless of the default settings, but I want my same keyboard all the tine.

I don't see the slowness you're seeing but the stock keyboard prediction is abysmal. I hope that Apple does try to improve the keyboard but I don't have much hope that is going to happen anytime soon.
You can check third party app called keyboard2. It looks by default like stock ios keyboard so the switch between this and original one is not so noticable when ios enforces it's own in some situations like typing passwords. It has more features than stock one, even more than gboard and swiftkey. But it lacks swipetype right now.
Also for prevent random switchbacks you can disable original ios keyboard (it will still be enforced in case of typing passwords though)
With all due respect, this is garbage. Even if I get out my ancient iPhone 7+ I do not see or experience the problem issues the writer describes. Auto-suggestions can be funky, but so can Google's. BTW, I have carried two phones, both an iPhone and an Android, for at least 6 years. Before that I was a Android-only user. I have zero lag when typing, my current iPhone is a 13 Pro Max.

What the writer also doesn't seem to get is auto-suggestions and auto-correct are directly a part of the keyboard, but the OS itself accessible by other apps as well. Furthermore, the keyboard learns from user's input. I know he said he'd tried phones that he didn't sign into his Apple account, but I find it very hard to believe that "Problem" is suggested as "Problem's" when on ALL the iPhones I tested this morning I was offered "Problem" (as the default), Problems, and Problematic NOT Problem's. As for Ebfore, I was offered the choice to stay with that OR Before or E foreign. For I'll and I've, he's again not talking about an actual issue. Here are actual screenshots my results (interestingly enough, the writer didn't provide ANY screenshots of his claims):

If iOS's keyboard was really this bad, you'd better bet that the 50%+ of US users, many of whom are converts from Android, would be up in arms about it. Since users whine when they lose a few minutes of battery life for a couple days after an upgrade while the OS re-indexes everything, you know good and well they'd be screaming about the keyboard. In the end, this article reeks a seriously slow news day and the writer needed to get some clickbait out there to justify his paycheck.
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