the perfect laptop for my grandparents


Jul 9, 2007
i have been talking to my grand parents and they are tired of there old dell computer and they want a new one. so i thought they would like a laptop because they have a big garden and they are always sitting in the yard or on the deck.

my question is what is the best laptop for them for around $800 give or take $100 and also i need to find a good wireless adapter for the internet that will let them go around 200 feet away from it. also they need a wireless printer can they just get an adapter for the printer they have now or should they get a new one

i greatly appreciate your help and thank you

200 feet is a stretch for any current wireless - make sure that both the computer and router are 802.11n for maximum range. As for a good computer? The Dell Studio series look nice, as Maziar said.
the dell studio looks really nice. should pick the intel graphics x3100 or the ati 3450? do you think there would be a good performance increase even if they're not doing anything demanding? what good wireless printer should i look at? also i need to get a wireless modem or adapter what one should i get? as you can see im completely lost in wireless technology.
They're also a pain in the rear to type on due to the small keyboard, are somewhat hard to read due to the small screen, and don't have the wireless range of a good notebook with 802.11n. Don't get me wrong, I love the things, but I wouldn't recommend one for an only computer, or for older people.