The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog


Dec 13, 2003
type this in Microsoft Word
= rand (99,99)
press enter
n wait for 3 secs.
see the magic

this thing is really cool and is an undocumented feature of Microsoft Word. change the parameters and then see what happens.

and does anybody know more codes like this one

This is what I get, without the quotes;

"Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern"

I guess because my OS is the German version.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>
It's a typing exercise.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>
does Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern mean the same as The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ??

and are there more typing exercises like this??
Roughly translated it means there's this guy Franz driving an unkept Taxi all over Bavaria.

If you look at both phrases 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog' and 'Franz jagt im komplett verwahrlosten Taxi quer durch Bayern' what do they have in common?

You have to remember these are just typing exercises. I only know of these two. I'm sure there's a version for each and every language that Windows uses.

What do these two phrases have in common? Makes a nice question in "Who wants to be Millionaire?"

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>
The english variant has all the letters of an alphabet (or it should) and the german should have them too. its something to show how fonts look and how they fit into your page formating
Right you are!!! Both phrases contain each and every letter of the alphabet.

You must've had typing in school.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>
Nope. I just read ir somewhere 2 or 3 years ago. so I just checked all leters :) to make sure.
If I wont forget I will post tomorow a lithuanian version of this function :)
It would definitely be interesting to find out if the Lithuanian version also has it.

I actually came up on the alphabet after typing it so many times in school. That was a long time ago where the typewriters were still mechanical.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>
:lol: Need to get off this nostalgia kick otherwise I'm gonna start balling out.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>
I dont have nostalgia (i'm too young, just 22). It's history. without history there would be future :)

By the way they might be worth something in 10 years
When we moved from Massachusetts to Florida we sold all the things we had in the attic on a yard sale so we didn't have to lug so much. Regret it now though. It was a Smith-Corona.
We even had one of those Singer sewing machines that you ran with a pedal. That got sold too.

Still remember my Dad's first electric typewriter. I believe it was an Ingersoll-Rand. I was so scared to turn it on 'cause it was like turning on the main circuit-breaker in the house. After it was turned-on the damn thing would hum! LOL

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>
At my work place we still have WORKING intel8080 based PC. a wonderful things. And those old PC's which run silently (except when it reads the flopy drive). Why dont they make them now like then :)
Why not. As long as the programs run on it.

<A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=blue>My System </font color=blue></A>
<b><font color=blue>VAGABOND<font color=blue></b>

<b><font color=blue>Just horsing around!!!<font color=blue></b>