this laptop for gaming?

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Yes, but last March is when all these distributors were saying that MAY they would have them. I was like, "Um... what? That doesn't even make sense from anything I have heard, or can think myself from observation." At CES last JANUARY nVidia was saying, "No way, not going to happen." A year later they have some version coming out (allegedly).

From the information that was available at that time, I don't know where they thought these were coming from. When I brought this up at a few forums these guys were like, "No, you're wrong... we'll have them, you won't maybe, but we will." That's funny to me, but it's pretty BS to the consumer. When I pointed this out after the fact that they had said this, they literally denied it, edited or removed their posts! LOL, I don't know man, I could go on and on about the silliness, but I think I can sum it all up.

You have to remember that the guys out talking that hype on the internet are just guys trying to make a buck selling computers, which is fine, but the added twist is... they aren't actually building the computers!They have little practical knowledge past the layman. What is really amazing to me is that with the addition of a web site, there is a phenomena that occurs whereby people that normally would be just another guy suddenly are listened to as if they know something more, and hey..."they must know something, look at that fancy web site!". Fine if the person is committed and actually doing something to expand their knowledge on the subject, but if you're just taking orders and forwarding them through to Sager, I mean, what is your real knowledge level?

It isn't just mis-information either. You know I have had that Quad core notebook for a month. It's sold, they are in the field etc. All these other guys are saying, "Oh yea we have them." In reality they don't because in reality they won't have the revised boards for 3 weeks, yet that doesn't stop them from selling and passing the buck along when you call and ask, "Where's my system?". I'm sure you can attest to how that works.

It all comes down to this, "You can go to Orange County Choppers and have your bike custom built, or you can go and buy a Honda Davidson... a bike that looks somewhat like the other because they are trying to imitate (on a mass scale) what actually IS really cool, but at the end of the day is pretty generic."

So now this has come full-circle to the 8800's. My information is straight from my source at nVidia, not just some pipe dream that is being cooked up out of nowhere to make it look like something it isn't.

Don't get me wrong, I wasn't questioning your info. You said at guru that you spoke with your NVidia rep and that's good enough for me. I just meant how many times have you and I been involved in this type of conversation either here or at guru. I'm actually kinda interested in the 8800m.
People love to shop off "spec's" right?
What is awesome though, consumers still haven't caught on that the guys who are selling you this stuff KNOW THAT!!

They figured out that the average shopper buys on comparison, so the easiest way to sell is to they make numbers look the same, and whenever possible, better. It's easy for them to do.

Take for instance when you select SLI, you have 2 GPU's, each one has 512 MB of RAM so you have 1 Gig of video RAM right? So put it on our list, and tell the consumer that! Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. So you are either
A. Buying a $5,000 computer from someone who doesn't understand SLI.
B. Buying a $5,000 computer from someone who does know, but is trying to confuse or deceive you. So if something is in it for them, they lie... but what happens when something ISN'T in it for them, what happens when there are problems? That's the whole point, that's what the numbers don't tell you.

The consumer comes along and just takes one number in one column, matches it up with another number in another column. looks for the lowest price and PRESTO, You're done!

Congratulations, you have just made the major decision for what you are going to use for the next 5 years based on two numbers matching!?! :pt1cable:

So with that thinking, if a Ford Mustang and a Ferrari Testarossa's spec's look the same, they are the same car are they not?

Correction : 2x512 GPU wont make 1GB V-RAM ,ask that anywhere
Yea exactly

Take for instance when you select SLI, you have 2 GPU's, each one has 512 MB of RAM so you have 1 Gig of video RAM right? So put it on our list, and tell the consumer that! Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. So you are either
A. Buying a $5,000 computer from someone who doesn't understand SLI.
B. Buying a $5,000 computer from someone who does know, but is trying to confuse or deceive you. So if something is in it for them, they lie... but what happens when something ISN'T in it for them, what happens when there are problems? That's the whole point, that's what the numbers don't tell you.
The English language is more than letters and words which is what makes it so complex. There is innuendo, sarcasm, slag, 3'rd person narrative, plays on words, and parts of our pop culture inter dispersed within it which makes it sometimes difficult to understand if you're not from America.

Suffice it to say THAT WAS MY WHOLE POINT!!!

So if I say something like, "Don't you have a centrifuge to tend to?" there is probably going to be about 1/2 the people that don't even get what I am talking about, and that is the beauty of the English language, that, and it isn't just a bunch of squiggles.
It just gets frustrating after a while. You can't imagine how many times I get misquoted and waste a ton of time in post after post of back and forth non-sense.

Sorry about all the bold CAPS.

That is actually a pretty good price for the specs for 3k (512mb 7950 GTX, 17 inch screen, 2gb ram, 100gb 7200 rpm HD).

What do you guys think about
^Believe me, we've questioned it many a time. Any time the subject comes up, K|N is always careful to warn people that the likely hood of these cards being the absolute powerhouses the desktop versions were is very slim. I for one understand that and agree with that opinion.

dude do you guys not read the post? when did i say the 8700M is the top of the line? I said it's the newest release...

secondly I know there are better mobile gpu's out there, they were even on the list I linked in my original message...

I know all you tech's love to flex your muscle, but if you read my original post in reply to the THREAD...then you'll see it made sense...For the specs that guy was looking at, the 8600M GT would not play BF2 that well, most things in his price range for mobile gaming wouldn't be great...

As for tom's list, I did read the bit where he said it SHOULDN'T BE OFF BY MORE THAN A TIER...which means that it's still a pretty good list to use...we are on the TH forums afterall :sarcastic:

After your ignorant "well as far as i can tell the 8600M GT won't play games very well, pretty much nothing on a laptop will play games very well..." you followed that with referencing the GF8700MGT, so who knows what you're thinking? Based on that statement alone it obvious you don't know what you're talking about.

I know all you tech's love to flex your muscle,

Nice try, it has nothing to do with flexing muscle, I don't own an SLi rig, but I know they're out there, I've used them, and I wouldn't make an ignorant statement like yours above. :pfff: And you still ignore the whole point of the thread which is to play specific titles at specific settings. Obviously you have envy issues if your answer to being shown options that will play games very well, contrary to your statement, is to return with that kind of response. :sarcastic:

but if you read my original post in reply to the THREAD...then you'll see it made sense...For the specs that guy was looking at, the 8600M GT would not play BF2 that well, most things in his price range for mobile gaming wouldn't be great...

Well first of all, where's your supporting information for that statement? And that's not what people are replying to, something like that may or may not be playable, although with the evidence you've provided sofar and your other statements, why should anyone take your post as anything more than ignorance?
As for playing BF2, it plays well enough on my laptop with similar specs (plain HD2600 instead of GF8600MGT but same memory and CPU) and even more importantly when I did play BF2 on a refular basis, it played well enough for me on my ATi MRX700 w/ a PentiumM 1.73ghz with 2GB to allow me to consistently stay in the top tier (often lead) at LAN parties and online. So the GF8600MGT will be more than fine, sure it won't be stellar like a GF8800Ultra on a water cooled desktop, but then again the OP asked for 1024x768 on med or high, so it looks like you're the one trying to flex the tech muscle, he's not expecting the same settings as X1950XTs, HD2900s and GF8800s or multi-VPU rigs with the res and AA/AF cranked. Maybe it's YOU who should read people's posts before commenting. :heink:

As for tom's list, I did read the bit where he said it SHOULDN'T BE OFF BY MORE THAN A TIER...which means that it's still a pretty good list to use...we are on the TH forums afterall

Right... :sarcastic: , which is why when you go to the bank and their prospectus says 'past performance isn't a guarantee of future returns' you should point to that AS a guarantee of future returns and then complain about it. :pt1cable: He doesn't even say "shouldn't be off", I already posted the quote, obviously you have difficulty reading and cut/pasting it. It says "At worst, I don't think they're more than a tier away from their actual performance but this is something to keep in mind when considering mobile graphic chipsets" that's not a ringing endorsement of someone's own work, that's a caveat, because they know it's a rough estimate, especialy in a field where not all mobile chips are the same, and some have speeds/specs better and worse than some of their desktop counterparts. Cleeve added those to give people a very rough idea (like how Bungholiomarks do) but some of them are way off for some games, like BF2, Oblivion, etc. where the GF8 and HD2K series do very well compared to their predecessors. Using his chart to answer the OP's question would be like me whipping out 3Dmark scores as if they were a good guide to game performance. :non:

So unless you can post some well supported info showing the GF8600MGT not being able to play the games the OP list at the setting he asked about, then really you're just selling porky pies and no one is buying. :pfff:
tGGA: I agree the 8800 mobile is going to be nothing like the 8800 desktop.
I also agree with your assessment of what it is likely to compare to in performance.

Basically it comes down to this, nVidia wants to shut everyone up on asking, begging, pleading and speculation on the 8800's in notebooks so they are giving them what they want IN NAME ALONE.
As I have been trying to tell people all along, the 8800 card they are thinking of is an impossibility in a notebook chassis.

Anyone that HAS an 8800 in their desktop can attest to the level of heat and power that it requires. Which is exactly why I sold mine... it was just too freaking hot.