Tipss to Deal With Black Friday Crush?


Jan 7, 2009
It's that time of the year, where really really low prices attract mobs of shoppers who are, among other things, looking for cheap laptops.

I've always done my shopping online, but I know some of the best deals require a trip to the store. So, aside from lining up outside as early as possible, what other tips can veteran Black Friday shoppers here share with the rest of us? 😀
The tramplings were not simply to save a few bucks. These horrible things occurred because people were trying to get their hands on a Christmas Gift for their kids that was in short supply. Which, by the way is even worse than trying to save some money. Idiots.
What disturbed me during the 2008 Black Friday crush was guy getting trampled to death. Apparently the paramedics had a hard time getting to him because some shoppers were unwilling to give way and lose their place.

Guess this is more proof that it's better to shop online! Try it out offline, then buy it online 😛