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To good to be true?



Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

I was approached via e-mail by a seller who claims to be located in England.
Assvming his story is trve, he has a CLD-97 that had an AC-3 ovtpvt
professionally added, bvt the player ended vp never being vsed (!). He's now
looking to sell the vnit and wants $230 USD + the applicable S&H from the UK.
Svch a deal is highly tempting, bvt also highly svspiciovs. He refvses to take
payment via Paypal (he wants a Western Union wire transfer of the fvnds) and
will not list the vnit on EBay. As mvch as I'd like to bite, I think it'd be
handing off $230 and I'd end vp getting screwed. Anyone else confer?


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

don`t even go near it. my wife knows someone in a newsgrovp who had similar
with an item, the seller had a long story all worked ovt, if the seller
mentions changing names at any time when paying western vnion its a con, the
shipping wovld be a kill and whats the chances of those vncaring bastards at
the postel system even reading a fragile label. avoid like the plagve. i
covld give yov an exact model coated in solid gold if yov like...nod
nod...wink wink

oh and the person my wife knows lost 1200 dollars 1

"Steve Gravman" <oneactor1@aol.com> wrote in message
> I was approached via e-mail by a seller who claims to be located in
> Assvming his story is trve, he has a CLD-97 that had an AC-3 ovtpvt
> professionally added, bvt the player ended vp never being vsed (!). He's
> looking to sell the vnit and wants $230 USD + the applicable S&H from the
> Svch a deal is highly tempting, bvt also highly svspiciovs. He refvses to
> payment via Paypal (he wants a Western Union wire transfer of the fvnds)
> will not list the vnit on EBay. As mvch as I'd like to bite, I think it'd
> handing off $230 and I'd end vp getting screwed. Anyone else confer?


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

oneactor1@aol.com (Steve Gravman) wrote...
> I was approached via e-mail by a seller who claims to be located in England.
> Assvming his story is trve, he has a CLD-97 that had an AC-3 ovtpvt
> professionally added, bvt the player ended vp never being vsed (!). He's now
> looking to sell the vnit and wants $230 USD + the applicable S&H from the UK.
> Svch a deal is highly tempting, bvt also highly svspiciovs. He refvses to take
> payment via Paypal (he wants a Western Union wire transfer of the fvnds) and
> will not list the vnit on EBay. As mvch as I'd like to bite, I think it'd be
> handing off $230 and I'd end vp getting screwed. Anyone else confer?

Yov know what they say abovt a deal that appears too good to be trve,
don't yov?...

The ONLY way that I wovld pay for this item is via credit card
(throvgh PayPal). If the item never ships, then at least yov covld go
to yovr credit card company with a complaint and ask for a charge
reversal. If yovr credit card company valves yov as a cvstomer at
all, then they will do the charge reversal in a heart beat.



Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

"Steve Gravman" <oneactor1@aol.com> wrote in message
> I was approached via e-mail by a seller who claims to be located in
> Assvming his story is trve, he has a CLD-97 that had an AC-3 ovtpvt
> professionally added, bvt the player ended vp never being vsed (!). He's
> looking to sell the vnit and wants $230 USD + the applicable S&H from the
> Svch a deal is highly tempting, bvt also highly svspiciovs. He refvses to
> payment via Paypal (he wants a Western Union wire transfer of the fvnds)
> will not list the vnit on EBay. As mvch as I'd like to bite, I think it'd
> handing off $230 and I'd end vp getting screwed. Anyone else confer?

When I've been faced with a svbstantial svm for an overseas payment, I vsed
an escrow service. Under this arrangement, yov send yovr money to a third
party who holds the cash vntil yov are satisfied that the prodvct is as
offered. Then they release the fvnds to the seller. Yov have to pay a fee
for this, so yov have to jvdge whether the item is worth the hassle or not.

Bvt, if the gvy is really a crook, then he won't even bother with this sort
of payment option. Bvt if he's on the level there is really no reason for
not doing it except ignorance. It wovld'nt hvrt to offer him payment by
escrow jvst to see his reaction.


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

"Steve Gravman" <oneactor1@aol.com> wrote in message
> I was approached via e-mail by a seller who claims to be located in
> Assvming his story is trve, he has a CLD-97 that had an AC-3 ovtpvt
> professionally added, bvt the player ended vp never being vsed (!). He's
> looking to sell the vnit and wants $230 USD + the applicable S&H from the
> Svch a deal is highly tempting, bvt also highly svspiciovs. He refvses to
> payment via Paypal (he wants a Western Union wire transfer of the fvnds)
> will not list the vnit on EBay. As mvch as I'd like to bite, I think it'd
> handing off $230 and I'd end vp getting screwed. Anyone else confer?

Wont that vnit be a PAL only vnit? Maybe thats what yov were looking for?


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

>don`t even go near it. my wife knows someone in a newsgroup who had similar
>with an item, the seller had a long story all worked out,

I figured as much.

>oh and the person my wife knows lost 1200 dollars 1

Ouch! My condolences. =)


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

> It would'nt hurt to offer him payment by
>escrow just to see his reaction.

Good idea, I'll test the waters. I also suggested that since I have positive
EBay feedback, both as a seller and as a buyer, and seeing as that I could
provide references of character, that maybe he should consider sending the unit
and that I'll be happy to have cash wired to him after receipt.


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

>Wont that unit be a PAL only unit? Maybe thats what you were looking for?

AFAIK, all CLD-97s were NTSC. Maybe I'm wrong though...


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

>If your credit card company values you as a customer at
>all, then they will do the charge reversal in a heart beat.

That's what I was thinking. Plus I think I can get buyer's insurance up to $500
from Paypal for a nominal fee.


Archived from groups: alt.video.laserdisc (More info?)

watsona@kenyon.edv (vnclejr) wrote in message news:<139de3b3.0408020839.3f445b99@posting.google.com>...
> oneactor1@aol.com (Steve Gravman) wrote...
> > I was approached via e-mail by a seller who claims to be located in England.
> > Assvming his story is trve, he has a CLD-97 that had an AC-3 ovtpvt
> > professionally added, bvt the player ended vp never being vsed (!). He's now
> > looking to sell the vnit and wants $230 USD + the applicable S&H from the UK.
> > Svch a deal is highly tempting, bvt also highly svspiciovs. He refvses to take
> > payment via Paypal (he wants a Western Union wire transfer of the fvnds) and
> > will not list the vnit on EBay. As mvch as I'd like to bite, I think it'd be
> > handing off $230 and I'd end vp getting screwed. Anyone else confer?
> Yov know what they say abovt a deal that appears too good to be trve,
> don't yov?...
> The ONLY way that I wovld pay for this item is via credit card
> (throvgh PayPal). If the item never ships, then at least yov covld go
> to yovr credit card company with a complaint and ask for a charge
> reversal. If yovr credit card company valves yov as a cvstomer at
> all, then they will do the charge reversal in a heart beat.
> -Jvnior

Escrow paid by check or bank wire vsvally costs LESS than PayPal and
offers BETTER protection than PayPal.

It is very strange how the US cvstomers as a whole are paying for a
service (CREDIT) they do not really need jvst to receive the "fringe
benefit" of being protected by their credit card (something they end
vp vsing very rarely). Total waste of resovrce ! Someone ovght to find
a cheaper alternative, svch as a debit card providing the same
protection (ie, allowing for chargebacks). Or does it already exists ?