Hey, so I was on my Toshiba laptop when I accidentally spilled some milk on it. So I started to wipe it down when it suddenly froze, and ctrl, alt, delete wouldn’t work. so I turned it off with the power button. When I turned it back on, my laptop said something along the lines of ‘no reboot found - please restart system’ (I don’t remember too well) so I searched up the problem. I tried the f2 thing and that didn’t make a difference. So I read somewhere to do turn it off, unplug the thing at the back (I don’t remember the name) hold the power button for 20 seconds and then turn it on. Now, when I try it it just turns on for a second and then back off and I don’t know what to do. I cleaned all the milk and everything (I did put the thing back in the back btw) please help!