Solved! Toshiba - pros and cons?


Jul 5, 2011
what are the pros and cons or toshiba satellite laptops?" I am probably going to buy one soon and want to know what to expect.
you want to find out exactly which model you are getting and look for reviews for that one. Generally, out of the experience I've had with the laptops, if at any point you need to reinstall factory drivers it will be a pain in the neck because of how badly they organize their drivers utility. I haven't seen any issues with wireless cards (given that the card is working properly)
(if your sister can connect with firefox and no ie that sounds like a browser/software problem rather than laptop hardware problem)
Well, it depends on the model.. But many people experience issues with the wireless connectivity.
I'd like to say, that there aren't many brands that have problems that is widespread... it is mostly just HP... with their microwave ovens/laptops
okay, that makes sence, i hadnt seen many complaints of toshiba, but my sister has one and the internet explorer never connects so she has to use firsfox (which i dont mind using), but i am buying a refurbished (by the company) satelite and wanted to make sure there isnt tons of complaits about tosahiba. also, nice comparison with hp and microwaves, ill have to use that one xD
you want to find out exactly which model you are getting and look for reviews for that one. Generally, out of the experience I've had with the laptops, if at any point you need to reinstall factory drivers it will be a pain in the neck because of how badly they organize their drivers utility. I haven't seen any issues with wireless cards (given that the card is working properly)
(if your sister can connect with firefox and no ie that sounds like a browser/software problem rather than laptop hardware problem)

Well based on my experience, they are pretty good! Just had the 3rd Toshiba Satellites (different models) in the house. Two of them are working, no problems, but the first one we bought is temporarily defective. Its hard drive broke, but its old! (Also, Hard Drives are usually one of the first things that break) 3 years old now and we weren't that careful with it and was dropped couple of times. Its simple to replace the hard drive anyways.

To be honest I like the excellent build quality of Toshiba laptops. However, I do like to note that I have experienced some freezing after installing some updates. This does not mean the Toshiba is not reliable, all laptops freeze at some point. So far, mine has no problems except that freezing at start up (happened only twice), and again, not all of them are like this. That was maybe the cause of a bad update or some other factors. Im using it as I type this write now. Its such a beast. The keyboard is so good, excellent Dolby Advance harman/kardon speakers, the LCD screen is crisp, quick boot up..etc.

My specs:
Toshiba Satellite P750
intel core i7-2630qm (QUAD CORE!!!)
1 GB Nvidia gt 540m

To specifically answer your question:
Highly Durable
Excellent Build
Good ventilation
Good LCD/Speakers

In my opinion, what differentiates laptops from each other is mainly NOT the brand, but its BUILD quality. Laptops have lifespans of usually 3-5 years, depending on how you take care of it and the quality of its parts/materials. A good ventilation is also a must-have for laptops to prevent overheating thus increasing the wear and tear of the machine.
In saying that, most people find the Japanese brands Toshiba and Sony to be most reliable brands/builds in the market.

Mind you, we had a local branded laptop awhile back, it lasted almost 4 years! Nothing broke within the time guess its how you take care of it. All the best with your laptop buying decision!

I love Toshiba!

I love Toshiba too. So far I have had 3 Toshiba laptops, one of them went bad after more than 5 years of usage. The other one is still working fine, and I just bought this model:

Satellite P770-BT4G22 Laptop

which I ordered a customized laptop with Windows 7 Pro 64-bit, 8GB of RAM, Blu-ray player/DVD/CD Burner and a few other features. By the way, I've been using computers since 1984, and am a web developer with plenty of experience from mainframe to PC, and laptops. I will buy from Toshiba again even though this laptop was built and customized in Shanghai China. I hope this helps.
well, i dont have a large budget, so i am getting (somewhat sadly) not a gaming laptop, it is a staples excluzive normaly, priced at 680$, im getting a refurbished onbe for 290$ it has an AMd dual core prosesor, 4gb RAM, 720p 15.6'' screen, and it is a great deal for under 300 bucks, but eventually when i get a real job (instead of earning 40$ a week mowing lawns ugh) im going to save for either a toshiba qosmio or an alienware m14x or m18x. but that is long from now so hopefully my toshiba i am getting will last until then.