True iPhone Killer Spoted


Sep 10, 2007
It just occured to me that everyone is still trying to take on a 2 year old phone design and not a single company has produced a unanimous blow to the iPhone.

Do you see the problem with all the current phones? They are trying to 'kill' the iPhone by matching up to what it has and they are all failing to see the bigger picture - it's a 2 year old design!

That got me thinking, whilst everyone tries desparately to match up to the iPhone 3Gs what is Apple doing? I'll tell you what Apple is doing, they are making an iPhone killer!

Whatever Apple decides to release in 6-9 months time will introduce a few firsts for mobile phones and give us a true upgrade to the iPhone. That's the only way to make an iPhone killer.

So far the following have been suggested for the rumoured iPhone 4G:

1) OLED screen
2) 802.11n and Media Server to stream HD content
3) iChat video camera
4) 64GB storage
5) 4G network
6) 5-10 MP camera
7) 1.0 - 1.2 Ghz processor
8) Standard bluetooth stereo headsets with wired option
9) New colours (Black, White and Titanium)

Concepts Being Thrown Around:



Titanium iPhone



Idk man Nexus One looks pretty Nifty on Specially the Neo Core benchmark from youtube.

Yes - it does beat the 3gs - but in 6 months time will it beat the 4G??? Whatever Apple releases in 6 months time will likely also own the world for the next 2 years.

Everyone is waiting to see if they will measure up to the 4G. The 4G is not trying to measure up to anything else!

I respect the iPhone for what it is and what it offers. BUT I want an Android phone - I want a manufacturer to be visionary and not merely match-up to iPhone 3GS or just simple do the usual obvious stuff like just adding CPU/GPU power.

Hell, Nintendo turned the market upside down with the Wii cause they were thinking outside the box. That's what Apple is good at - coming up with something new. Some of the rumours I heard about the iPhone piss me off cause everyone else just adds CPU/GPU and call it a day until Apple comes up with something new.

For example - the iPhone 4G will have an optional docking station with HDMI, Displayport connections that turns your phone into desktop/gaming platform. They are now going after Playstation, XBox and Wii. Why why why must we wait for Apple!

Anyway - I'll probably settle for Nexus One or Xperia X10.... thought they don't do anything that would Amaze an iPhone 3Gs user... and I'll wait to be amazed by those iPhone carrying hippies.


No, not at all. They're good at taking existing technology, putting it in a shiny box, and marketing it to hell. The only thing revolutionary about the iPhone was the interface/software (which is subjective anyway) - the technology had all been done before.

The HDMI docking station thing has been done with the Zune - but if you're under the impression it'll take over console gaming or the purpose of a desktop PC, you're pretty delisional. The iPhone has nowhere near enough power to run the games that the consoles do, aside from the fact that the two are completely different platforms - you won't see the next Call of Duty available for the iPhone. The iPhone also doesn't have the i/o capability to replace a conventional desktop; I can't imagine writing a paper with the phone's crappy on-screen keyboard.

4G is a bit of a gimmick since only one carrier offers such technology (in the US, at least - I can't speak for other countries), and there's no way it can be put in place fast enough for the release of the next iPhone refresh.

Out of the list of specs you provided, I'm only remotely excited about N wireless - but even that will see limited use on a screen that small...what's the point of even watching HD content? The rest of them are either just features to put on the box, but don't really deliver, or have been done before on other phones.

Simply stated - you can't kill the iPhone because it had the initial media hype. Sort of like Windows Vista; it was a bit buggy on release, but became an excellent OS a few months later - but nobody knows that. People will come here all the time still wanting to downgrade to XP simply because they heard Vista was crap. To me, there are at least 10 phones on the market that are worlds better than Apple's phone, but that's because I don't rely on initial media statements and commercials for information.
Nice theory, but knowing apple and their incredibly greedy/money-hungry ways, it will be at least 800 for all those things you named earlier. And yes, the Nexus One is the iphone killer hehe
I agree with Frozen, Apple is really good at not pushing out the boundaries, but more at consolidating them, and then puting a shiny easy interface on it, and then selling it to the plebes who know no better and thus think it's incredible & revolutionary. They also cultivate their fanbois and techno-n00bz so that they are willing to pay more for the shiny toaster feeling.

Don't get me wrong, it works well, and they are solid, but they definitely don't bring 'something new' to the game, just make the 'new' easier for the masses.

BTW, having used pretty much all the phones out there, I still like the iPhone for media playing and for some of the exclusive apps (which is why it or my iPod is usually one of the 5 devices I have on my hip at any one time), but as a smartphone it's not that great, and outdone by many others. My current favs in hand is the LG Eve (and iQ) and the Curve2 (just best typing for me) and the Palm.

I like the concept above, but it's more for aesthetic reasons than practicality/functionality, and that thing won't work with my Mophie Juice Pack, although hopefully it has a good battery and cheap replacements (or else I'll just use my APC external battery which isn't a convenient as the Mophie but works for everything).
hehe, all good points, but you all seem to forget, that no matter what Apple does, its the known benchmark (whether that is valid or not).

I`m looking forward to the new 1 and to see how other companies will invent something to once again move the benchmark forward.
The HTC incredible will be the iphone killer. To be honest the HTC EVo 4g is an Iphone killer as well. I just don't understand the appeal of the iphone. It looks too generic and has no personality to it.

Here are the rumored specs for the HTC Incredible:
1ghz Snapdragon processor, 256mhz idle, 768mhz clock, 1ghz full clock
512MB ROM / 512MB RAM
8MB camera, auto focus, LED flash
microSD slot - max 32GB
Android 2.1 with Sense UI
bluetooth 2.1
AMOLED display

Anyway I drool every time I look at it.

Why don't you stick to the facts instead of rumors that are likely not even true. Apple has not released any information to the public about what the iPhone 4G will look like or what features it will have. Apple has not even confirmed its existence. Apple's iPhone OS is more useless than a Windows netbook.
Yeah... I got to admit... if Jobs releases an iPhone with a removable batter pack, I might actually consider going back to the iPhone... I just MIGHT!
Seriously I don't care how old those pics are in your original post, they just made me joygasm! I really hope and pray the iPhone actually does look and work like that soon! Great concept art!

The iChat thing might never be able to run on the network but it would be nice to have it on wi-fi for sure. At least not in my lifetime will companies like ATT have the bandwidth to support millions of video chatters at one time.
I think the Nexus One has all the makings of an "iPhone Killer" as well as many upcoming phones (The EVO, Incredible). The trick is there needs to be quality applications that exceed the current iphone ones and match the iphone with ease of use. Its the public support that will decide the true iPhone killer. The hardware is there, its up to us to adopt it. Android software can use some polishing, but I believe its on the right track.
That's the whole point, once Android is as mature as OSX-phone was a year ago, then it should be pretty easy to have iPhone killers. Android is essentially barely into it's 2G (despite the OS numbering) and I would say by the fall it should be tweaked enough to really make the OS a non-issue because it will compete and exceed everything else (unless HP does actually put an effort into WebOS) but we will see.

That's the current achilles heal of most devices, spec wise they might destroy the iPhone, but the interface/OS is the thing holding them back... for now.

But it's a much closer race than this time last year. Personally I think the latest iPhone 4G is a massive disappointment, and it's likely to get pummeled once the fanbois are done purchasing. However Apple can exist very well on the current user renewal strategy for a while, but that doesn't mean they haven't been bested.

Really, ditch the iphone for Ipad just because it has 3G [:lectrocrew:7] ?? Thats a load of BS IMO..... [:thegreatgrapeape:5]