Question trying to hook up wifi to tv

Mar 27, 2022
I have a Samsunng EH 5300 that I am trying to set up wirelessly. The tv and network do not see one another. If I hook the tv up to wired connection it works. I think either I missed a step in configuring somewhere or there is an issue because it is a newer router that may not be supported by the older tv. The router supports both 2.4 ghz anf 5 GHZ.
There are two laptops that work wirelessly, without issue.
It doesn't show any wireless networks at all. It doesn't show mine or any other networks that are in the area. It checks for a wireless networks, doesn't find anything and just goes back to the screen that says the next step is to set up a wireless adapter and at the bottom it says you can plug in a wired connection.

I have Verizon fios. Is there anything I should be doing on

When I log into myfiosgateway, it shows what appears to be the tv in red as newhost1. All other devices have proper names on the network.

If I plug in a eithernet cable I get settings. If I try to unplug the eithernet cable, all settings: ip, subnet mask, etc are either blank or zero.
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I'm not familiar with Verizon FIOS, so I can't help there. Probably need to contact Verizon on that front. Seems odd that your TV doesn't see ANY wireless networks. Unless you live in a local with neighbors nearby, Just checking my tablet WiFi networks, I see six others besides my own.

A couple of thoughts:
  • Make sure the network isn't hidden.
  • Bring one of your laptops near the TV and check for Wireless network strength.
  • Check your router to make sure the 2.4GHz network is available.

-Wolf sends