Trying to improve my phones performance !! (rooted) kernel problem


Jun 24, 2014
hi i have zte blade g but it comes with very low ram !! i rooted it i tryied to expand the ram with roehsoft but the kernel seems problematical ! what can i do to get more out of my phone (dont tell about apps cleaners etc) thanks
Settings -> More -> Developer Options -> (or equivalent)

Change the values of "Transition animation scale", "Animator duration scale" & "Window animation scale" to 0.5x (or as low as they can go).

Probably won't help of this is a kernel problem.

Your animation transitioning. For example, when you quit/load an app, there is a slight delay set by default to 1 second to allow for load times, etc. (and more technical rubbish as well). This will simply reduce that time.