[Tuan] Online TV Viewership Exploding

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Jun 11, 2008
I am one of the many who would prefer to watch content at my convenience versus the broadcast station's convenience - even content that is riddled with advertisements. However, with the narrow selection available out there, I have three choices:

1) Change my life around to be at the TV for the programming that I want

2) Find a non-legit source to watch if unavailable

3) Skip watching the program - which means I'll probably never "get into" the show again (which means and equal loss of revenue to the company as me watching a pirated copy).

For example, I just recently (about 6 months ago) started watching 'Lost' for the first time. If I'm home when its on or episodes are available online, I'll watch it - think of all the ad dollars they gained by having me cram in four seasons in a couple of months. Now I look foward to the return of the series. Compare that to 'The Sarah Conner Chronicles' - they pulled the episodes from Hulu while doing a marathon of one season one episode a night. Since that didn't fit my schedule, and since I couldn't get it online, I didn't watch it - so they lost ad dollars since I won't bother with Season 2 either.


Jun 8, 2007
That sound like guessing to me its been almost 6 months since i watched tv same goes for everyone i know in the 40's range , there is no good sci-fi or fantasy so i just don't bother watching.

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