Question TV picture goes black after watching for a time. Power off for 10 seconds then on and picture comes on. This repeats forever.


Jan 10, 2016
Make: Avera 43AER20
Purchased: July 2018

When watching a video sent via HDMI from my PC to the TV, the picture is fine for 30 minutes, then the picture goes black, and I power the TV off for 10 seconds and back on. The image is fine for 10 to 15 minutes, then the picture goes black, and I power the TV off for 10 seconds and back on. This 10 - 15 minutes then black picture, then power off / on, and then the picture displays again, continues forever.

The sound is fine even when the picture is black.

This does not seem to happen when surfing the web. I use this TV as a monitor and have browsed the internet to find solutions, and to write this post, and the TV picture has never gone black.

My TV repair knowledge is limited. I do work on Laptops and Desktops building systems and diagnosing problems. I install networking equipment and the like. But, never really got into the testing voltages and soldering, but have no fear of doing that on this TV.

If there are more appropriate forums that can help me resolve this problem I would very much appreciate knowing what they are.

TIA for your help.
I'm wondering, while watching videos, if some type of thermal protector could be tripped and cause the picture to go black, and while using office apps and surfing the internet the load is not great enough to trip the protector. I'm just grabbing at straws here.