Hey guys! It is Tyrene, me. You'll notice me via a long way since I don't understand really much about business however. I am not going to get discouraged and I am hoping to discover a lot here. I've got a business service which folks are willing to cover me for, but I really can't afford to pay for some one to to operate my business. Here are something that I am looking for help with and I know that I wont be able to get help with everything all in one single place so I'm joining a lot of enterprise forums that are small based on a list that my cousin gave me.
How much accountancy am I going to need before I get in too deep with other business along with taxes subjects like that to understand? Also what's the most effective method to collect payment? Right now I am simply accumulating cash or check. Does not that cost money, although obviously like I could accept credit card payments, I would really like to look? I haven't had a bank account for business before and I don't desire a Wells Fargo to nickel-and-dime me like they do when my my own consideration drops a little short.
Well that's me and I'm excited to begin learning. Thanks!
How much accountancy am I going to need before I get in too deep with other business along with taxes subjects like that to understand? Also what's the most effective method to collect payment? Right now I am simply accumulating cash or check. Does not that cost money, although obviously like I could accept credit card payments, I would really like to look? I haven't had a bank account for business before and I don't desire a Wells Fargo to nickel-and-dime me like they do when my my own consideration drops a little short.
Well that's me and I'm excited to begin learning. Thanks!