Question Unable to sync email account with my phone


Hi everyone,

Long story short, I can't access on a mobile Android device. I've tried on 3 of them. This results in me not getting my emails. I can log into the website when on data only, but not on Wi-Fi. The email app won't sync on data or Wi-Fi. Here's the rather lengthy backstory, for those interested:

I have an LG G4. I've been using the Fair Mail application instead of Outlook on my phone, since the Outlook app no longer supports Android 6. Ever since the 24th, it hasn't been able to sync my account, stating that the email server said: "AUTHENTICATE failed". So, about a day later, I tried to access it myself. I use the Microsoft Edge browser. It told me to sign in- I thought I had signed in a long time ago, but I did it anyway. It said that it couldn't log in, try again later. So I went to Microsoft's website to log in from there, and when it redirects to, it says "Hmm...Can't reach this page" with the error "ERR_NAME_RESOLUTION_FAILED". Then I tried it with the default LG browser. No luck. Then 2 other Samsung phones. Still no luck.

I then contacted Microsoft's support using their chat service. At first, he said there is no ongoing issue and constantly tried to shift the blame to the manufacturer of the phone, despite me having told him that I tried this both on LG and Samsung phones, who would both direct me back to Microsoft. Eventually, he was convinced enough to actually research the issue a bit further, and he admitted that they do have an ongoing issue.

When I try looking for this "ongoing issue", I can't find anything. So I tried using the data only instead of Wi-Fi. It succeeded at logging into, of course without actually getting to the website since the mobile website is buggy, at least on this phone. But even on data, my email application still has that error. I tried with other email applications as well.

There must be some kind of network setting that has changed and affected only this website on all of the phones that work on this router. That's my theory, at least. I did see something about DNS online.

I am posting this question now as I have not been receiving emails on my phone for 5 days, and it's getting increasingly frustrating.

Does anyone have any idea on how to get my email working on Android again? Any help is appreciated as always.

Dots this work on anything other than those Android devices at your house? Does it work on WiFi when not at your house WiFi, say at a friends house, coffee shop, etc...?

I would check the setup of your email also to make sure the mail servers and ports are correct. Also check with that Fair Mail support.
Dots this work on anything other than those Android devices at your house? Does it work on WiFi when not at your house WiFi, say at a friends house, coffee shop, etc...?

I would check the setup of your email also to make sure the mail servers and ports are correct. Also check with that Fair Mail support.

Thanks for the response. I haven't been able to test it on other phones or at other places, and the setup was correct. on both Fair Email and the default email app.

But, change of events- The day I posted this (And I apologize for not updating this thread), Microsoft fixed the issue. Suddenly 3 emails popped up on my phone. Maybe Microsoft actually looks at these threads once in a while?
And then Fair Email released an update after it already started syncing again, and one of the update purposes was to "Fix authentication error on Microsoft accounts". Which is funny, since it started working already as the problem was on the server, not the application,, but apparently people did complain to Fair Email about this and they addressed it as well.

Again, I appreciate the assistance.