Unknown Application?


Oct 22, 2010
Hi. Today while running an application (League of Legends) I was alt tab-ed because of an application I have never seen before. I didn't wait to see exactly what it was however it looked like it was emailing to someone and I am sure that it was in an asian language. I closed it immediately considering it was the best option but I knew something bad happened. I don't know what it could be and would like to know if people can/may recall such an application to suddenly run.
Also I ran in the background some other applications such as (steam, nod32, nvidia, daemon tools, RTHDCPL, Proxycap, EXPERTool (for my current video card) firefox (idle on facebook and on youtube)
Any ideas as to what it might be? (i realize it's an virus/malware/spyware or something of the sort)
I have installed malwarebytes ccleaner registrymechanic combofix and nod32 to defend this pc from such attacks.
I did a full scan with malwarebytes and couldn't find a problem however someone told me that I need to run it while in safemode and with networking?
I didn't run yet Combofix. What steps should I follow?

Running Malwarebytes in Safe Mode is not effective, because in safe mode most (not all) malware is not active, as it is in normal mode. Any MBAM scan in safe mode should be followed by the same scan in Normal boot mode. Before running scan in normal mode, run the utility RKILL which removes (Not deletes) known malware resources so you can execute the scan.

COMBOFIX should only be run under the supervision of a malware tech. It is not a general purpose scanner, and you may damage your OS.

What??? You don't know what you're talking about. Running MBAM in Safe Mode will remove malware. Also, I've never seen ComboFix damage an OS. How computers do you remove malware from in a week?
Alright. Thank you all for your support. Too bad I didn't made a screenshot of this weird application that popped out. (it didn't make it's second appearance yet however I ran MBAM in Safe Mode and then ComboFix and I got rid of (hopefully) the infection.
What??? You don't know what you're talking about. Running MBAM in Safe Mode will remove malware. Also, I've never seen ComboFix damage an OS. How computers do you remove malware from in a week?

Maybe you should educate yourself about Malwarebytes before putting some one down ! :non:

What??? You don't know what you're talking about. Running MBAM in Safe Mode will remove malware. Also, I've never seen ComboFix damage an OS. How computers do you remove malware from in a week?
Also, the original post did noy say it could not remove infections. It said it would be less effective in safe mode.

I didn't say "Not remove". I said "less effective" in safe mode. Sorry, but he is wrong.

There is a malware guide in my signature that is very effective. I routinely use this same process to clean client computers. It's safe, effective, and I've never had combofix do any damage. Combofix is actually a pretty fool proof software. There's nothing to monitor when it's running. It just scans and removes threats. There's nothing that an educated observer will be able to do, even if they are there. Also, Combofix creates a restore point before it runs, just in case something does happen (though, I've never needed it).