Upgrading windows 7 home premium to professional


Nov 4, 2009
So I recently bought a new laptop with windows 7 home premium and I wanna upgrade it to professional. I just wanna know, will all the programs I had be uninstalled and the computer would be a fresh kind of formatted or will everything stay as it and only the features for professional be added?

Also I would like to know, would this upgrade void my warranty? (laptop is Alienware M15x)
If you are upgrading the the 32bit version to the 32 bit version or 64 bit version to 64 bit version the answer it no you do not have to re-install the operating system. Do it as a anytime upgrade, you can do it from within your operating system by search for anytime upgrade.
Maybe they need XP mode or domain membership or network backup functionality. I wouldn't call those differences nill if you need/want them. If one needs/wants bitlocker and/or multiple languages across user profiles, then they'd go with Ultimate.

The reason I mention this is because I'm getting ready to purchase a laptop with Home Premium and am deciding whether to go with the anytime pro or ultimate upgrade. I could use the features in Pro and would like Bitlocker that comes with Ultimate. Maybe I'll save myself some $ by going with Pro and use TrueCrypt for volume encryption.
Yup, im gonna need xp mode. So from what I understood, the answer is that nothing would get deleted and only new features would be implemented.

Thanks guys
If you are upgrading just for XP Mode, then don’t waste your time, money and don’t give yourself unnecessary headache.

Just use VMlite it works on any windows 7 version/Vista and on XP itself too. VMlite has just been recently released, is based on Sun VirtualBox.

Download it here http://www.vmlite.com/index.php/download

Once it’s installed use the wizard, it will download the xp image for you and set it. It beats MS xpmode, hands down.


if you need more than 16GB of ram , YOU HAVE TO GO PRO OR ULTIMATE
I guess I'm going to feed a troll...

Because Microsoft committed fraud. The EULA for Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium says that I can run it on 2 physical processors in one machine, but in practice it only recognizes one Intel Xeon processor in my Dell Precision T7400. Therefore, I need to upgrade to Windows 7 Professional to get the functionality I was previously promised by Microsoft in a written contract.
The EULA changes. do not worry.
But thanks for all the helpful info everyone.
I mainly wnted to know if I should re-install or even go to 8.1.
Thanks all,