usage of Graphic card


Jun 1, 2015
Hi. serious problem is that
Which is better Nvedia 2gb940 m or
4gb 840...plzz
I just do lots of stuff in graphics and gaming..which would be better
a 840 or a 840M? if it is the 840 then get that, as a desktop cards will trump a laptop card. if not, then I guess you would still want the 840M as the 4GB will help with graphics work sometimes, but how serious are you into this stuff? because at that point you may want something like a 960M.
a 840 or a 840M? if it is the 840 then get that, as a desktop cards will trump a laptop card. if not, then I guess you would still want the 840M as the 4GB will help with graphics work sometimes, but how serious are you into this stuff? because at that point you may want something like a 960M.
The 840m and the 940m provides virtually the same performance, but the 940m does have slightly higher clockspeeds. They are decent mainstream GPUs, but are not considered laptop "gaming GPUs" because of their relatively average performance Neither one can really make use of 4GB of VRAM in games because they are not that powerful and because DDR3 RAM is slow compared to DDR5 RAM used in higher end GPUs.

If you are doing graphics work, like Photoshop, then 4GB of VRAM can be useful.