Vatican: Internet is "Blessed"

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Feb 5, 2009
If bashing the Catholic Church makes you bigots feel so good, why don't you bash Buddhism, Judaism and Islam? Oh, I forgot that you don't have any real balls. Sorry.


[citation][nom]curnel_D[/nom]Aww, comeon. We all know that the Crusades and the inquisitions kicked 'all' the ass.[/citation]
The world back then was much different and can't be compared to the world today. The catholics in the middle centuries where probably what islam in the middle east is today.
If the catholics where bad in those crusader days, then I won't even start how the people where they where burning. We all think it are those poor witches and people accused of being, and yes that happened in those days. A lot of evil was being done not only by the church but the church was used to do those things by the secular non believers.
A lot of the life back then was war, being drunk all day, no sanity, etc...
So life back then you can't compare to life now.
Ow, and as always, the catholic church is behind. They need to first spend 30 something years before they could consider approving on something.
I'm a musician, and about 4 years ago was the first time I was allowed to play in a catholic church with a modern music band.
Before that many churches where stuck to their pipe organs or nothing.

I tink the catholic church still has a long way to go. But perhaps all would agree that it is not anymore the church it used to be in the '60's. Neither is the world like it was in the '60's.


Apr 23, 2009
[citation][nom]JJBB[/nom]If bashing the Catholic Church makes you bigots feel so good, why don't you bash Buddhism, Judaism and Islam? Oh, I forgot that you don't have any real balls. Sorry.[/citation]
Well said. Its funny so many posters bring up the Crusades but fail to comment on the perpetual Jihad which had driven the expansion of Islam into the heart of the Byzantine Empire, all of Spain, and even into southern France. Given this tiny historical detail, maybe its not so hard to see why Christendom organized themselves and launched a counter attack. I don't want to justify the crusaders and all of their actions, but to villify only the Catholic church for religious wars is pretty ignorant.


May 20, 2009
[citation][nom]JJBB[/nom]If bashing the Catholic Church makes you bigots feel so good, why don't you bash Buddhism, Judaism and Islam? Oh, I forgot that you don't have any real balls. Sorry.[/citation]
simple explanation for this... The news is about catholicism :)

And virtual balls are as good as real balls okay?



Nov 12, 2008
i don't care if they mean well. what good are good intentions when they come from a person who mistakes a bullet gun for a needle-free injection gun or mistakes poison for medicine? what do you think is going to happen more the more that that person is loving and caring?


Jun 30, 2008
Like with just about everything. Its not the person, object, medium, or what have you that makes something good or bad. Its the action or how it is used that determines it. The internet is by far one of the most revolutionary forms of communication and information the world has ever seen. It can be used for good or evil. No matter what the internet should remain free of any and all censorship and/or government intrusion for it is one of the few last bastions of pure expression available.


I don't bash religion (just) because they have a disproportionately high percentage of child molestors vs. other demographics, nor because of the countless wars and genocides they've committed... I bash religion because I don't believe that a bunch of crazy middle-easterners from 2000 years ago had all of the answers to life's secrets and the origins of the universe.


Feb 24, 2007
[citation][nom]apmyhr[/nom]Tomshardware should do an experiment and have an empty article with the word "Catholic" somewhere in the title. I wonder how many angry ignorant sheep will turn out to blindly bash perhaps the most charitable organization in today's world.If you quote me and say "LULZ!! CRUSADES/INQUISITION??? PWNED!!" please follow it up by showing me a world wide organization that has existed for two thousand years which has NOT had evil men in it perpetrate terrible acts which violate the organizations true principals.[/citation]
[citation][nom]gm0n3y[/nom]The 'blessed' internet... is for porn.[/citation]

They better be charitable. They stole from the masses for centuries.


Mar 13, 2006
Now that I think about it, given the whole celibacy thing that Catholic priests have going on, the Internet (aka porn) is probably helping those priests to vent their sexual urges in a less harmful way than they have traditionally done (i.e. children). So in a way, porn may be helping to save the Catholic church.


Jul 13, 2008
[citation][nom]Platypus[/nom]"The internet can reach out to the poor and the rich alike, spreading positive messages in a Digital Age."I don't see too many poor people sitting on the street corners with signs that read "PLEASE HELP PAY FOR MY INTERNETZ -- GOD BLESS". If someone can afford a computer and an internet connection, either they are not poor or they are grossly mismanaging their finances.[/citation]

don not take this the wrong way , i'm achristian myself (non denomination) but i jsut liek to say this in regards to the catholic church ....

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.


Jul 13, 2008
that said , i dont hate catholics , or the catholic church , jsut much of thier doings in teh middel ages WERE with good intentions, i understand this fact now , after all teh church is made up of people, and peopel in those times were ignorant and supersitious sure it was wicked that they burned x number of witches at the stake, but they did so beleiving that they were freeing these people's souls from enternal damnation , ie: they had good intentions behind thier actions.

sure condem what they were, but to judge the catholics today , for wrong done by poeple that are now dead 1000 years, is also wrong in it's self.

the problem i see witht eh church adn why i stated what i did in my last post , is becuase before you execute your good intentions you need to have some foresight and consideration of what the out come may be. the acutal saying should be , "good intentions with no thought can lead to hell"

as for atrocities no religion has a clean slate ( the only possible clean slate being budhism but that is beucase by it'sown nature it isa m meditative passive religion) , mnearly all current 9and past ) religions ahve had acts of violence done in thier name , and usually with good intentions

so no oen should really jump at slagging the catholics , more than likely your religion doesnt have a clean past either


Mar 13, 2006
I'm sorry demonhorde, but I had to vote you down on your last 2 posts because of your terrible spelling. It really hurt my brain to read.


Besides a few exceptions, I can't believe how many 12 year olds post to this discussion...
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