Videoediting laptop advice


Oct 22, 2016
Hello everybody. Im here today to find out what laptop will work out better for my use.
I know that pretty much all laptops out there work for daily documents handling and web surfing.
The laptop that im looking for has to be able to edit videos and create animations (After Effects, Element 3d, C4D and Photoshop).
I had a quadcore powered computer and i felt a good performance for c4d and photoshop but after effect was not good i think because of 4gb of ram and a low end graphic card.
I would appreciate 8gb of ram or higher.
Also having a Hdmi input other than output would be perfect.
I bought a Lenovo Ideapad 300 two days ago but im returning it... i've been told that this model would have been a good choice for videoediting so just thought to take it and see what happens, ends up being not a good deal (600CAD).
My price range is roughly 600cad but i could definetly go up not more than 900cad depending on specs.
So again, my main use for this laptop will be After Effects video editing, Element 3d and C4d intense rendering and heavy photoshop file handling (up to 200mb)
I thank everybody for the consideration and hope for a quick reply.
In your price range, you're going to have to compromise between getting the fastest CPU you can or the fastest GPU. It just depends on how much of your workload can use GPU acceleration. Programs like After Effects for example. Here's an example of a (relatively) cheap laptop that has a discrete GPU:

It's only an Nvidia 940mx 2 GB however. I didn't see anyone advertising HQ processors without also including a discrete GPU.
I have not seen 1 laptop that has an HDMI INPUT on it.

Who told you the Ideapad 300 is good for editing? I am going to the guess the salesman?

For what you are needing you need a gaming computer, because only gaming computers are going to have a half decent graphics card and most importantly a Q version CPU. If you look at the last letter on the processor on laptops they are typically an U or a Q. Even a i7 U series CPU is just a dual core with hyperthreading and turbo core so it is actually slower then a desktop i3. The Q series is the only ones that will match desktop versions.

A better choice would be an ideapad 700 (with i7 and GTX graphics).
Chances are the Lenovo Ideapad 300 you purchased had a ULV processor. This is a 2 core + 2 hype thread model that was probably clocked higher or lower than 2ghz. This would not have been an ideal laptop indeed.

Finding a laptop with 8gigs of ram in that price range should be no problem, and if by chance you see it with only 4gigs you can easily add more memory. You probably want to find a laptop that has a CPU with it that is either i5 or i7, and has the letters HQ at the end. These are more closer to desktop style processors (accept that I dont think an i7 HQ feature 4 cores AND 4 hyperthreads). Finding a laptop that has a nvidia GPU in it may also help in situations where after effects or photoshop plugins can use CUDA extensions to accelerate itself.

Oh yea and no laptops have hdmi input on them. You will need a USB capture device with hdmi in.

Thank you for the answer.
Well to be honest the 700 model goes for 1400cad which is right over my budget.
I read somewhere that amd should be preferred if element 3d has to be used. I think because most i5 or i7 come with intel hd graphics which doesnt let element 3d work.. a geforce or amd radeon does.
element 3d utilises programing extension for both nvidia and AMD GPUs. It does not look like it was benefit with an AMD APU even if its iGPU functions are much stronger than intel. For one thing, system memory is used for AMDs iGPU and element 3d suggest a minimum of 1gb dedicated video memory. Also AMD mobile chips are still inferior to intel in all other ways.

Using an AMD card with element 3d would be fine in a desktop config if you were an amd fan, but in laptops just stick with intel and nvidia for now.
In your price range, you're going to have to compromise between getting the fastest CPU you can or the fastest GPU. It just depends on how much of your workload can use GPU acceleration. Programs like After Effects for example. Here's an example of a (relatively) cheap laptop that has a discrete GPU:

It's only an Nvidia 940mx 2 GB however. I didn't see anyone advertising HQ processors without also including a discrete GPU.

nix it. You see the U on the end of the cpu? It is also a ULV processor. Wont be much more powerful than the lenova you are trying to sell.

Also the 920m is actually a pretty horrible chip. Would you notice a speed increase in your plugin? Maybe.. but the 920m is actually well known as a trash chip because it isn't actually that much more powerful than the iGPU of an i5 or i7. Alot of reviewers shrugged and asked what the point of including it was aside from inflating the price.