Virgin Galactic Completes First Test Flight

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[citation][nom]Silverblue[/nom]Error in First Contact - Cochrane takes them at warp 1 for a good few seconds. If that's the case, then how come, when they turn about, the Earth is not even half a million miles away?[/citation]

Because Zephram Cochrane's warp drive didn't break the speed of light - that didn't come until the Vulcans helped improve the technology a few years later.
The film was based around humanity's first warp flight, which was warp 1 (speed of light). He didn't break light speed, merely matched it.

In any case, flying along merrily at warp 1 for, say, 10 seconds (just an example) would put you nearly 2 million miles from Earth.
[citation][nom]Silverblue[/nom]The film was based around humanity's first warp flight, which was warp 1 (speed of light). He didn't break light speed, merely matched it.In any case, flying along merrily at warp 1 for, say, 10 seconds (just an example) would put you nearly 2 million miles from Earth.[/citation]

He never attained warp 1 - the first test was only successful in using warp fields as a means of propulsion.

In any case, it's not like Star Trek is known for its consistency ;-)
[citation][nom]gellert[/nom]Am I the only one who can see that the "twin-plane" has 3 hulls and not 2? just a thought...?[/citation]

Do your reading on Space Ship One, winner of the X prize, and all will become clear.
Now here's my question of the day: if the SpaceShipTwo is labeled as the VSS Enterprise, does that make Sir Richard Branson a modern-day Zefram Cochrane?

Yes. Because in Star Trek, Zefram Cochrane only created his ship so he could retire to an island rich with lots of women. He states that in the movie. He was a narcissistic ah heck.

"And Cochrane didn't have a naked super model on his back while doing water sports."

He most definitely wanted to though.

Or it could also be a resounding no, for the reasons everyone else said and because Cochrane's ship is not called "Enterprise".
It is, of course, Burt Rutan who is Zefram Cochrane, not Branson who, while being a great businessman, is not an aircraft designer. He just put up the money (and enthusiasm.)
Not sure what you mean by hijacking. Fact is, a lot of Starfleet ships are named as current warships are. Star Trek tries to keep the tradition going albeit way into the future.

As for Apple... at least they've not called them iPADDs.

Because Star Trek more than any other Fiction has inspired space travel, technological advancements, people becoming physicists and scientists...

I am almost willing to bet that Humanity's first interstellar spacecraft will be named the Enterprise for the Star Trek ship, and the various Naval Vessels that have used her name.

And yes Cochrane did reach the speed of light on his first try

See Memory Alpha:
It doesnt have 3 hulls, the picture above shows 2 planes. The center 'hull' is spaceshiptwo. Its attached to the carrier plane in that photo which are the outer 2 hulls and upper wing.

The carrier plane takes spaceshiptwo up to 60,000 feet then releases it and it takes off from there. You can get a drastic fuel and mass reduction using a carrier plane. Think of it as a two stage rocket, but the first stage takes off and lands like a jet, rather then being expendable.
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