[citation][nom]lamorpa[/nom]danwat1234 stated, "That's why I download my movies off bittorrent at near bluray quality, and if I like it, I'll buy it but I'll throw it away when it comes in the mail. No DRM for me"This is obviously stealing. Even if it was legal to view and then buy, it certainly will never be legal to view, decide if you like it, and then optionally pay. That's not the way a media license has ever worked. You couldn't buy an album, cut it open, play it, decide you didn't like it and then return it. And even if this was allowed, what about the movie that was good enough to view once, but not good enough to view again? How often would someone still buy it? The (villainized) MPAA and RIAA seem to be trying to get some kind of control over unlimited, unlicensed distribution. They really do not have a choice, because uncontrolled, it will ruin them. There is no other commercial business that relies on the charitable choices of users. It doesn't end up working in the real world. It does work on a small scale with software, but most times is a subsistence revenue stream, not a professional one.The reality is, people villainize the MPAA and RIAA because they are inconvenient for them. A pretty self-serving and weak argument.[/citation]
people villanize the mpaa and riaa because everything they do makes it so easy. if piracy held the same penalty as lets say shoplifting, adjusted for the fact nothing physical was stolen, i dont think people would have a problem with the riaa and mpaa getting theirs, its when they use antaquated laws as a scare tactic (150000$ and 5 years in prison per offense, a measure made because of bootlegging, and profiting off selling counterfeit media on an organised level) and when they do have a case, using the law as a means of extortion (you can go to court and possibly win and not pay anything but a layer fee, but you may also have to pay in full the 100+k or we can settle out of court for your entire life savings, collage fund, ect... or better when porn did the same thing but at lower costs as a hush money kind of tactic, because its embarrassing)
lets put it this way, current laws would actualy see me getting off with less if i went to a store, stole the disc, shot the clerk (fatal or non fatal doesn't matter) and went after the register.
someone recently got a 600+k fine for 16 mp3s, tell me that murder gets you off with less is an understantment, as in someones whole life, they are pretty lucky if they ever amass 600k$ even in liquidate all their assets way, here... my dad works 40+ hours a week and can pull close to 100k a year, a very big chunk is taken in tax, and another large chunk is taken monthly in bills to the effect of close to 1000 a week (give or take depending on needs) and currently if liquidated a fairly successful persons assets in their mid 50's, it would most likely come to 100k in the green, but could easily be a debt also.
the way i see it, to a normal person any fine over 100k is close to (if not worse than) a life sentence.
real world stealing has an aproperate punishment,
digital stealing is so effed its not even funny